The Courts

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"The accused, Mr. Anderson was charged with the murder of his wife under section 302 of Penal Code. He committed the offence at 3 pm, September 25, 1855 at the premises No 49 Featherstone Street, london....if the accused were found guilty, he will sentence to death" The Judge began shuffling papers in his hands and staring down through his tiny glasses that sat on the tip of his nose. The court was filled with mumbles from the public and jury after the judges bold statement.

Sweeney Todd glanced at the accused standing in the box with his wrist buckled and head hung low in shame. The man was dressed in dirty rags and had a full beard looking roughly in his late 30s. This particular man had gotten away so many time and today Sweeney was making sure he got sentenced. Mr Anderson was perverted and evil with woman something that Sweeney hated most. The accused Mr Anderson was scum.

"About 2pm on September 25, 1855, Mr. Anderson was detained and charged undersection 302 of Penal Code. I would like to ask your permission to bring my first witness for this case" Sweeney spoke out with such authority and power he had the whole court in the palm of his hands.

"Yes, you may" the Judge grumbled lowly with little care. He was an older gentleman but ruthless just like Turpin had been. Though Sweeney respected this judge that didn't stop him from fighting against what he felt right. So many people were easily sentenced for crimes like stealing food to feed their family's or pick pocketing just to raise money to care for their dying relatives. People like this Sweeney supported however today Sweeney Todd was more then happy to see Mr Anderson rot in jail.

"Thank you, Your Honour"

A police man took his position for questioning.  "My name is inspector Lee, IC number 670717-04-6567; I swear I will give the true clarification only"

"First of all inspector Lee is representing the main witness of this case, Mrs Anderson's daughter Carol Anderson... Inspector, where is the witness during the incident?" Sweeney asked.

"According to the witness's clarification the witness was at the crime scene, where the
deceased was killed"

Nodding along to this he paced back and forth in front of the jury "Inspector, please tell a little bit of information about what happened before the deceased was killed"

The police officer cleared his throat before continuing "On Saturday, September 25, 1855, the deceased was reading a book while the accused was sitting at dining table alone. After 10 minute sitting with the family, the witness went to her bedroom"

"What happened after that?" He paused in front of the witness looking him dead in the eyes.

"There was a scream"


Running a brush through her daughters hair Nellie giggled as Mae wriggled around on the stall in front of her. Mae never liked her hair being brushed and was very fidgety.

"Sit still little miss"

"But mummy it's hurts" she whined making Nellie roll her eyes and giggle again.

"I'm being soft" she protested with a smile as Mae turned round and climbed into Nellies lap running her arms around her mothers neck. Leaning back into the sofa in defeat Nellie hugged Mae tightly showering her cheeks with kisses.

"mummy" she giggled distracting Her mother with a warm hug hoping she won't go back to combing her hair. Mae was very clever and Nellie knew that she used cuddles and kisses to get her own way easily melting Nellies heart....

Sighing Mrs Lovett placed down the brush and settled for cuddling Mae on the settee. Since Sweeney had returned to work it gave her more time with Mae alone which she liked a lot. They now had the chance to play games and bond like a mother and daughter should and today had been perfect.

The pair of them had made dinner ready for later. Which allowed Nellie to finally work in the kitchen again. She had missed cooking, missed proper food for that matter.

Mrs Lovett was feeling so much better now, finally she had her head screwed back on and could focus again on what to do with their lives now. She couldn't stay living here with Sweeney....

No, what she wanted was to find work again, not in the brothels but to earn some money of her own. She wanted to find a place they could rent out and move to for a little while so she would get back on her feet.

She wasn't completely evil though, she did generally appreciate everything Sweeney had done. However that would never make up for what he had taken from her in the first place....

Sweeney could visit Mae when he wanted. But she and her daughter were going to leave. She couldn't exactly live off him forever and it wasn't like she wanted to be here either. No, they both needed to move on, if this was to ever work Nellie would need to stand on her own two feet. It was as simple as that.

"I love you mummy" Mae whispered as her eyes closed against Nellies chest. She was tired after the busy day she and her mother spent in the kitchen and playing game. This had Nellie smiling warmly as she watched her little girl closing her eyes against her chest.

Kissing her daughters forehead she smiled warmly.

"I love you more"


Waking down the hallway of the courthouse Sweeney noticed Andrew Dickson a college of his rush over to him to shake his hand enthusiastically.

"Congratulations, finally got that arsehole locked up" he said walking along the hallway with Sweeney and patting him on the back.

Sweeney and Andrew got on very well. He was the only person here Sweeney actually didn't hate. Andrew was quite a character, had many friends and spent most time working here or out down the local bars.

"He got what he deserved" Sweeney muttered in reply. He had won the court case, locking up Mr Anderson after the crimes he had committed. The man was evil and had hurt and attacked many women, the bastard deserved it.

"What you doing tonight my friend? Fancy a drink? hit a few brothels..." Andrew asked with a naughty smirk as they continued to walk down the hallway. Sweeney didn't really socialise that much, in fact he tried avoiding it at all costs and he would never go to a brothel.

Now with Nellie and his daughter at home he would rather be there with them then out on the town.

"I can't, sorry Andrew" they reached the doors and opened them up to walk outside down the marble like steps.

"Is this because you have a lady at home Todd?" He winked making Sweeney gulp awkwardly.

Sweeney stayed silent making Andrew laugh and shake his head. "You go home to her then, maybe another time...." he patted Sweeney on the shoulder before leaving.

In the dark pit of his heart Sweeney Todd wished that he and Nellie could become friends again. He understood if she may never forgive him, he too wouldn't ever forgive himself for what he did to her. Yet, he hoped they may move forward together as a family. That was all that was important to him now, they were all living together and for that he was grateful.

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