A New Start?

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Arriving home after a long tiresome day, Sweeney removed his coat and hung it up on the coat stand by the front door. The smell of spaghetti filled his nostrils and took him by surprise, had Mrs Lovett been cooking?

"Daddy!!" Mae squealed happily jumping off the floor where she had been playing with her teddy's to go and give him a big hug.

Smiling as he pulled Mae up to sit on his hip Sweeney laughed and kissed her cheek, running his free hand around her waist for support. "Are you cooking dinner?" He smirked walking into the small kitchen to see Nellie stood by the stove boiling some spaghetti and stirring what looked like mince meat.

"Thought you might be hungry" Mae giggled running her little arms around his neck as they both watched Nellie preparing dinner. This really had taken him by surprise. He hadn't expected that she would be cooking for him especially after their argument the other night.

"Dinner is served" Mrs Lovett said quietly as she loaded the spaghetti and mince meat onto three plates ready for them. She had no idea why she felt the need to cook for Sweeney but considering she was living under his roof and he had been so good to Mae she thought now was the time to try and move on. She wanted peace, she wanted a happy life for her daughter.

Turning round with two plates in her hand she met his eyes that seemed very warm and grateful towards her. She cleared her throat awkwardly and placed down the plates at the table for the pair of them. His eyes made her nervous, she always swooned over his dark and beautiful brown eyes. She thought it best not to look at him if she could help it.

"Thanks mummy" Mae said wiggling her way free from Sweeney's grasp so she could take her place at the small table.

Sweeney also joined her and picked up his knife and fork looking at the delusions meal in front of him. He watched as Nellie took her place also at the table before thanking her.

She gave a small smile in response before twirling the spaghetti around on her fork. "Tuck in"


The dinner had been very nice. Mae had chatted away about her day with her mummy and they all seemed to be in good spirits. Mae seemed so happy here, so happy that Mrs Lovett was battling with the idea of taking her away. She didn't know what to think anymore, her situation with Sweeney was so complicated and twisted. However despite her own feelings toward him he was a good father....

She realised now that she needed to share her daughters love with him. She wasn't cruel enough to completely have Mae all to herself yet she did get jealous every now and again. She just needed to get used to the fact her little girl loved Sweeney.....

Yet she was still unsure of what to do now with their living situation. Selfishly she wanted to leave yet she had no where to go and Mae certainly would be crushed. She didn't want that.

Sitting by the warm fire on a long foot stool after putting Mae to bed, Mrs Lovett pulled a blanket around her shoulders and warmed herself by the flames. The whole house was silent and dark with only the orange flames glowing, giving off a little light. She made the most of the warmth, she used to suffer so much in the cold. The brothel barley had any fires to keep warm.

"You don't mind if I join you?"

Tilting her head up she saw Sweeney standing over her with two glasses of red wine.

Giving a small nod in his direction she took the glass he handed to her and moved up on the foot stall for him to join. They were sitting close now which made her feel a little awkward if she were honest.

"Thank you for dinner, it was lovely" he began taking a small swig of the red wine, swirling it around in his mouth before chewing on it which had her frowning at his weird behaviour.

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