Old Habbits Die Hard

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Mrs Lovett's eyes widened and her already anxious heart felt like it was drumming in her ears. her eyes widened when she laid eyes on the man standing before her. It was Andrew, why on earth was he here?

"Where's Todd!" He barged past her letting himself into the house much to her surprise. He didn't care if he was being rude to her, Nellie was someone he thought he could just walk all over, she was nothing to him. He knew her as Primrose and that would never change.

"He's not here" She stuttered nervously seeing he looked almost angry and was on some sort of mission to find Sweeney. She watched him run a hand through his hair as he paced around the house as if he had some right to do so. Never had she wished that Sweeney would come back as much as now. She still worried that he might have left for good? How was she to know anymore? The last time she was happy he broke her heart, what's to say he won't do it again.

"Will you please leave?" She was still holding the door open and it was cold outside. She would fight Andrew herself if she had too, needing Sweeney was something she just wanted she knew deep in her soul she was a strong woman. She could take care of herself after all she had for all those years.

"I don't take orders from women! Especially your kind" he snarled sitting down at the dinning table looking her up and down and turning his nose up.

Ignoring his comment Mrs Lovett shut the door and turned to look at him. "Just why are ya ere'...?" She asked crossing her arms and raising a brow. She didn't like the fact he just waltzed in here and made himself comfortable, was he not taught any manners? She thought a man of his power would learn not to just barge into peoples homes when not invited.

"I have business with Todd" he stood from the chair acting like he couldn't even sit still for one minute. He wanted to settle with Sweeney once and for all, he hated being spoken to the way he was in his office and wanted to fight the barber himself. Walking over to her he placed a heavy hand firmly on her hip pushing her harshly against the door. "I'm going to ruin him..." he smirked seeing her eyes spark with nerves. All she could do was gulp under his hold. This wasn't the first time he had closed in on her like this, making her feel she had no where to run. Back when he used to come visit her he would threaten her or laugh when she seemed scared, he was evil, mrs Lovett always hated when he came to the brothel.

"Why?" She whispered, chest heaving dramatically that caught his wondering eye.

"Because he wants to ruin me....I'm just going to get there first....you are my living proof and I'll need you my dear" he smirked lifting his free hand to gently start stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. Flinching from his touch Nellie narrowed her eyes defensively "Ya leave e'm alone....and me for that matter" she pushed him away and stepped towards the kitchen, she was quick to grab a knife and hold it within her skirts so he couldn't see. Luckily he hadn't noticed her hiding the knife.

Stalking over to her Andrew grabbed one of her arms and spun her round to face him. "As soon as everyone finds out about his dirty secret he will be fired and lose everything..." Andrew held her arm tight making sure she couldn't run.

Gritting her teeth Mrs Lovett tried wrenching her arm free from his tight grip. "But...." he said suddenly pulling her closer towards him his breath skimming across her lips. He was so close, so close she could smell the alcohol on his breath. He really was a pig!

"But what?!" She snapped hating the very nearness of him.

His lips curled into an evil smile and he examined her face as she looked at him. "I can strike up a deal...."

"What kinda deal?" She tried pulling her arm free again yet he was too strong.

"I'll keep my mouth shut about Mr Todd and you.... if you agree to visit me on a regular basis...my little Primrose" he ended on a whisper smiling like a madman and glancing towards her lips as if he was about to take them as his own.

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