A happier life now my pet

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A/N: Hi all, I'm so sorry for the late update. I don't want to bang on about being busy and what have you as that's clear to you by now. Lots are going on in my life at the moment and I think I'll be taking a break from Wattpad (at least for a little while) I didn't want to abandon this story even though it had crossed my mind just to delete it all together....but that wouldn't be fair, so this will be the last chapter and I hope you won't be too disappointed. I hope you guys will understand that sometimes it's hard to keep a story going when life gets hectic 😅 but yeah...I'll shut up now haha. I'm not going completely, you may see the odd one shot pop up on your notifications but as for now I'm having a break☺️love you all and thank you for all your wonderful support with my stories✌🏻❤️

"Why is it every time I'm awake ya no where to be found? Hm?"

Looking up from washing his hands under the sink Sweeney smirked seeing Mrs Lovett standing in the doorway in just her underwear. The corset was tight around her bosom and the bloomers baggy but a matching red even so, her hair was a little mattered due to their fornications moments ago but her smile was larger then life. He was happy that she was smiling like this again. Being able to show her his love for her was the beat feeling in the world.

"You fell asleep, I didn't want to wake you" he said turning off the tap and drying his hands before walking over to her. She grinned as he leaned in to kiss her and excepted his lips by kissing him back tenderly. She knew she needed to be careful and keep her wits about her, however the happiness she felt in her heart was too good to start ruining with worry of getting hurt. She was living in the moment, they had lots of trust to re-build and so much healing to do but for now she just wanted to enjoy this feeling of being loved. This was the best kind of therapy. 

"We should probably deal with the body before we pick Mae up...don't want her...."

"I've sorted that" he cut in to her surprise.

"While you were sleeping" he added making her understand but frown nonetheless. "Where did you hide him..." her question made him simply smile while he ran his hands around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Managed to dig a pit in the woods just by the park and buried him there...no one was around I made sure if it" placing her hands on his arms that were currently wrapped around her Nellie pouted slightly.

"An ya managed to do all this while I was sleepin'?" She seemed unsure of how that was possible. She couldn't have been out that long surely?

"You were sleeping for a good 3 hours pet"

"Must of been shattered" she smirked running her hands up his arms and placing them gently on his strong shoulders. Smiling at this he leaned in and kissed her again enjoying the sweetness of her lips and the way she hummed happily when their lips met again.


A week had past. All thoughts of Andrew had been forgotten, and the courts had been informed of his death. Sweeney had cleverly told the courts he would look into Andrews death so that no one would be on his case. This seemed to work as people began to stop asking about Andrew after some time.

Mae was now getting used to going to school everyday. She was lucky enough to attended school as most children her age couldn't as their parents weren't able to afford it. But she proudly told the other school children that her daddy worked in the courthouse, her being proud had made him smile. He just wanted Nellie now to feel proud of herself. He hated seeing her without work as she loved it so much and knew she needed a purpose in life.

"I have a surprise for you Pet" Sweeney came waltzing into the living room where Nellie was sat with her feet up, reading one of her romantic books she loved so much.

"Oh?" She smiled as he placed his hand out to her as if to take it. She frowned at him but took his hand and allowed him to pull her off the settee, following him as he lead her to the front door.

"Just where are we goin'...?" She cut herself off when he picked up her coat and threw it over her shoulders. His face was hiding something and she wanted to know what he was up too. He seemed so happy all of a sudden.

"Sweeney..." she persisted only for him to shush her and place his own coat on. Luckily Mae was still at school and he had just enough time to show Nellie the surprise he had been working on for some time.

Opening the door he smirked as she narrowed her eyes on him and adjusted her coat around her properly. She eyed him suspiciously as he locked the door and shook her head with a smile when he turned to her.

"Follow me"


"Sweeney!" Mrs Lovett gasped when she tripped over the front door with his hands covering her eyes.

Chuckling to himself Sweeney kept his hands over her eyes now they were stood inside of the building. "Can I look now?" She asked impatiently.

"Yes" with that he removed his hands Slowly from her face revealing a very large kitchen much like the one at the pie shop.

Frowning deeply Nellie looked at his smirking face. "What is this?"

"Our new home"

Her eyes widened and he laughed at her reaction. "I don't... I don't understand...."

"This is a shop down here, upstairs is where we will live.....it's like the pie shop but bigger and hopefully a lot better too" he walked about the shop opening up cupboards which he stored with pots and pans ready for her use.

Stunned Nellie remained silent looking around the room with ore. It was beautiful, tidy and quaint a perfect little shop. "I have been trying to get this place for some time now and finally was able to get my hands on it....we can move in as soon as you're ready" he explained with a hopeful smile. He had been a little nervous about all this. He wasn't sure whether she would even want to move in officially with him. He only hoped she would.

Looking at him Mrs Lovett gulped and held back the tears. "Why did you do this?" She whispered looking at him so in ore of this beautiful place.

Smiling as he walked over to her Sweeney placed his hands on her arms and kissed her forehead. "Because I love you...."

Lifting her chin he kissed her lips gently "and because I owe you the world after everything you went through, I don't expect you ever to forgive me....I certainly won't but i want you to at least be happy with me....with this place....with us as a family now" he added looking into her eyes seeing her taking all this in. "I want to make you happy"

Cracking the smallest of smiles Nellie lifted her hand to his cheek and stroked his chin gently with the back of her fingers. "I am happy....I can't lie and pretend that the past doesn't still hurt me...it always will...Sweeney you know that" she stated tears brimming in her eyes.

"I know" he whispered so full of regret and sorrow knowing this all too well. kissing her palm that rested against his cheek and cupping her hand tightly in his he looked at her as she gulped again.

"I do love you Sweeney" she whispered making his eyes widen slightly in surprise.

"You do?" He asked generally shocked.

"I always have even when I hated you...." she added with another small smile. "But my trust is something I need to work on with you....I'm still frightened" she confessed.

"I know Pet, we need time....but please know that I will never ever hurt you again, I swear it on my life"

Looking into his dark eyes she saw just how much he meant that. Cupping his cheek she leaned in and kissed him again. "Thank you...."

Breaking completely away Sweeney took her hand in his. "Shall we look at the rest of our new home?"

Smiling towards him she nodded excitedly. No matter how hard things were, what grief and pain a person can feel, having that one person who caused all the heartache to stitch back the pieces was all she wanted. They would work together again build trust and love a bond so tight that would never be broken again. It wouldn't be easy but they would make it work. Life is for the alive, so why spend it holding onto a painful past?

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