Red Head

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Lifting her head up out of the sink and facing the mirror Mrs Lovett saw her old self for the first time in years. She had just been colouring her hair back to that deep red she always loved so much. She had asked if Sweeney wouldn't mind buying her the hair dye considering he was already popping out. He had said at the time it would be good for her to leave the house and get some fresh air but still she refused. He didn't understand why Mrs Lovett kept herself hidden away, it was rather sad really. Mae always begged her to visit the park with them or to take a stroll into the market but she would always come up with an excuse not to go....

Still, he had left yesterday with Mae holding her hand down the dirty London streets to fetch said hair colour. He was happy that she wanted to go back to her natural red hair, he always adored it. Her fiery red hair was something that made her stand out from the crowd and after all it was his favourite colour, as well as black.

After rinsing the dye out and dabbing her hair dry with a towel Mrs Lovett smiled at her reflection. It was perfect, just like it used to be. She felt like her old self again, like the horrible blonde was rinsed down the drain along with her horrid past. Mrs Lovett was feeling so much better now and so much happier living here. She was slowly building herself back up each passing day.

Leaving the bathroom Nellie walked out to see Mae and Sweeney doing a puzzle together at the dinner table. Mae was sat in his lap as they both seemed to be too engrossed in their puzzle to even hear Nellie enter the room.

Clearing her throat obviously to make her presence known Nellie smirked a little when the pair of them looked up in unison. "What have you done to your hair mummy?" Mae was shocked and unsure whether she liked the stance colour.

Sweeney however was smiling towards her like he was seeing the old Mrs Lovett for the first time in years. She noticed this and smiled sweetly at him "It looks great" he said softly seeing her almost blush.

"This was my original hair colour Mae, just like yours" she explained walking to sit in front of them whilst looking at the puzzle they were working on together.

Mae pulled a strand of her red curly hair out and giggled noticing she was matching now with her mummy. "I like it" she grinned making Nellie and Sweeney chuckle too.

"I need to pop to the market today to get some food in, would you like to join me?" Sweeney asked hoping she would take his offer and come. She hadn't left the house since arriving there and now that she was getting her confidence back he hoped she would come. It had been months now after all...

"No...I don't think I should" Her eyes dropped to the puzzle awkwardly. She hated whenever they would ask, it made her uncomfortable.

"Can I come! Can I come?!" Mae pipped up to which Sweeney smile and kissed her plum cheek. "Yes darling"

"Nellie...." Sweeney reached his hand out across the table and covered hers gently. Her eyes met his and she gulped "please come, it would be nice to have your company" He asked again looking for an answer in her big brown eyes.

"Oh please mummy!" Mae giggled smiling at her daddy's hand holding her mothers. It made her giddy with excitement that maybe they could begin to fall in love again. She wanted her mummy to be happy again.

Sighing Nellie shrugged her shoulders "very well"

"Yay! Family trip!" Mae cheekily exclaimed jumping off her daddy's lap to go and put on her shoes.

Now alone Sweeney could see Nellie looked worried, he didn't know why. "Why are you uneasy about leaving the house?" He continued to hold her hand gently running his thumb up and down her soft fingers.

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