The Deal

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The cold air swirled around the tops of Mrs Lovett's exposed shoulders as she sat outside the brothel shivering away. Tears rolled down her pale cheeks slowly warming her icy cold skin as she shook violently in the cold. She couldn't face going back in right now not after what just happened...

She felt sick. She wasn't sure if it was because of the way she had been treated or if it was the fact she was getting ill. She knew she had been feeling rather poorly lately but she didn't understand why, she shook it off as being an everyday cold.

"Primrose are ya coming back in? bloody freezing tonight!" One of the working ladies yelled over to Mrs Lovett only rolling her eyes when Nellie didn't respond, just stayed there shivering in the wintry air. She shook her head not giving a damn and walked back in leaving Nellie out in the cold....alone with just her tears.


Nellies eyes widened hearing her daughters voice. "Mae?" She whispered under her breathe before jumping up and turning around to see her little girl running towards her with open arms. Mrs Lovett glared at just who had brought her here! This was no place for a little girl!

"I've missed ya" Mae wasted no time in throwing her arms right around her mothers waist as she held her tight. Nellie hugged her back despite the worry she felt of Mae being around such a dicey area....

"Just what the bleedin' hell are ya doin' bringing her here...of all places!" Nellie ranted as Sweeney finally caught up to them and removed the top hat he was wearing.

"Mummy it's ok, this is my daddy he's going to help us" Mae pipped up happily looking up at her with such joy in her precious eyes.

Nellie smiled a little towards Mae before shooting daggers at Sweeney. What gave him right to tell her all this! She didn't want Mae knowing about her arsehole of a father. She always planned on it being just them. Just her and Mae and no one else, that's how she was left after all.

Sweeney frowned noticing what appeared to be a red mark under her right cheekbone. Not only that he could see her cheeks had been stained with tears.

"What's that" he edged closer.

"What's what?"

"That" He places his hand out and cupped her whole jaw with his hand tightly turning her head to the side which only made her flinch and step further away from him.

She saw the look of anger building in his dark eyes. The realisation hit him and he wasn't happy. Someone had hit her!

"Who did that" his voice was stern and angry and even Mae frowned between them.

Mrs Lovett gulped under his intense eyes that read so clearly murder. She hadn't seen that look in years and it worried her, especially in front of Mae...

"Is he in there?" He asked sternly looking directly at Mrs Lovett for answers.

"He left, besides it doesn't matter I'm fine" she said pulling Mae closer to her as the poor girl seemed a little frightened of Sweeney's sudden anger. He was so nice and kind in Mae's eyes but seeing the aggression he had bubbling inside him scared her a little, she didn't like it.

He looked at the horrible bruise on her cheek and clenched his jaw trying to suppress his hate. He wanted to kill whoever hurt her like this! It was disgusting!

"You're coming with me" he stated taking Mrs Lovett's hand to which she wrenched it free quickly and shook her head.


"You want to stay here! Where you get treated like that?!"

"Better here then with you" She spat back eyes flaring in anger. One bruise on her cheek was nothing compared to the pain he had caused her over the last few years!

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