A needed soak

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Pouring himself a large glass of gin Sweeney took a quick swig before placing the cork back into the bottle. He was getting tired, not that he was complaining or anything but his nights had been few considering he had been up with Mrs Lovett as she was sick throughout the long hours of the night.

He had held her hand as she cried herself to sleep had cooled her forehead with a wet flannel when she woke up in sweat. Some times she was freezing cold and the next she was boiling hot. Her temperature had been all over the place and her sickness virus was never ending. However Sweeney had been there to comfort her and to help her get comfortable.

He cooked for her and Mae but it only resulted in Mrs Lovett with her head down the toilet or sick bucket by the bed. Sweeney had called into the courts and told his fellow colleagues that he would need some time off to help Mrs Lovett. They didn't ask too many questions and he didn't care what they thought. Most of the men turned their noses up at the thought of him wasting his time on some sick woman he claimed he once knew and wasn't his wife. But Mrs Lovett was very sick and he needed, no wanted to be with her.

He hated himself more and more seeing her cry or feel any sort of pain. He wished so badly he could have gone back in time and changed his wrong doings. He wished so badly that she would get better. Last night he had sat watching her as she restlessly slept and found himself shedding tears quietly knowing it was all his fault, knowing he had done this.

Mae was now sleeping on the sofa by the warm fire. He had been sleeping there at the beginning but he was worried that whatever Nellie was suffering with might catch on to their daughter. He never joined Mrs Lovett in bed it wouldn't be right nor would it be fair on her. So he sat up in a chair, occasionally reaching out to hold her hand when she couldn't settle. Mrs Lovett was too dazed by illness to notice Sweeney holding her hand and even if she did she wouldn't have the energy to pull away.

"Daddy mummy wants you" Mae's sweet voice crept up behind him.

He turned to see her clutching tightly to the new teddy bear he had brought her. He smiled and gave a brief nod before placing down his drink and walking towards the bedroom.

As he entered he spotted Nellie sat up in bed using the flannel to clean around her neck. She looked tired and still rather weak.

"Is everything okay?"

She glanced at him and cleared her throat. "I was just wonderin' if ya had a tub? Just feel awful and thought a clean bath might freshen me up" she explained watching him nod slowly.

"I do, I'll run one for you now" he said in his monotone mumble before leaving the room and heading towards the bathroom.

There seated in the middle of the room was a bath tub that he was able to afford for his home a few months ago. He filled the tub with warm water and added some bath salts he brought from the market earlier today. He figured Mrs Lovett would want to bath herself soon so picked them up with the help of Mae this morning. He also brought his daughter a new dress that was a navy blue and looked ever so pretty on her. He wondered whether he should buy a dress for Nellie too, he had pondered on that thought for a while before deciding to pick her up a new clean dress and new undergarments to go with.

He wanted all traces of her past to be thrown out. New and fresh clothing was what Mrs Lovett needed to begin her new healthy life.

Now the tub was full Sweeney added a splash of rose water and began to swirl his arm around to create a soft laver of bubbles. Of course he never used such potions as he liked to call it, but considering he was making a bath for Nellie he thought it might be nice for her.

"Can I come in?" He heard her voice sound from behind the door and jumped to his feet whilst drying his arm on a towel.


He watched as she timidly peaked her head round the door before stepping into the room in just her old worn corset and ripped bloomers. He gulped looking at her exposed body and could see how tiny her waist line was. Everything she ate seemed to be brought back up, he wished he knew what to do to prevent this from happening all the time.

"Here" he walked over and past her a large towel that she took with a grateful smile.

"I hope you don't mind but myself and Mae went to the market and we picked up a few things for you" he explained heading over to the cupboard in the bathroom and retrieving some women's clothing from there.

"I thought a new night dress would make you more comfortable?" He licked his lips awkwardly as he pulled up the nightdress for her to see. It was a light pink and looked soft to touch.

Nellie gave a small nod in his direction as thanks before he continued.

"And this...for when you are felling better and might want to go out again" he said placing down the night dress and pulling up a dark black dress with pretty beads around the neckline.

This almost took her breath away. She had always dreamed of having a dress this beautiful and in her favourite colour. She gathered he must of known that too.

"Thank you" she breathed covering her hand over her chest truly overwhelmed by his kindness. His support and help hadn't gone unnoticed by her, in fact she felt very warmed by his care and kindness over the last few days.

"There are new bloomers and a corset for you too, I thought maybe it would be a good idea to throw out all your old clothes"

Nodding in agreement Nellie looked down at the rags she was wearing and sighed. "Yes" she whispered before coughing into her hand.

"Thank you Sweeney, I really appreciate all this" she saw in his eyes a warmth she had never seen before. He really did care and for that she could only smile again sweetly at him. As much as she still held so much hate it seemed everyday he was slowly chipping away that wall she held up so high. She knew she may not ever be able to forgive him yet she also noticed the change and saw that maybe he wasn't so evil after all.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked walking over to her.

"Uhh..better then yesterday, after today's nap I feel a little more energised..." Mrs Lovett watched as Sweeney placed a sponge on the stool next to the tub ready for her.

"Good, I'm glad....I'll...urm go and get dinner prepared, take as long as you need"

"Thank you" she said softly before watching him leave. As soon as the door closed behind him she locked it and turned to look at the deliciously warm tub he had prepared for her. It smelled gorgeous, she couldn't wait to get inside.

Removing her corset and rather dirty bloomers Nellie tosses them to one side before slowly slipping into the warmth of the bath. The water engulfed her body and immediately relaxed her bones as soon as she settled. She hadn't bathed like this in a long time and already she was feeling the effects it was having. Closing her eyes she sighed contently as the warm water soaked into her skin.

She took the sponge that was left for her on the stool and dunked it into the water. Squeezing it over her shoulders she shivered in delight as the warm suds trickled down her body. She massaged the sponge against her skin making sure she thoroughly cleaned herself all over. Despite not being well she certainly felt a lot better now that she was at least clean.

The bubbles surrounded her body as she held her nose and dunked her head under the water.  Now fully soaked in the bath Nellie picked up what looked like shampoo and poured a generous amount into the palm of her hand before massaging the suds into her yellow stained locks. Her hair had needed a good clean for a while now and it felt so good to be able to wash it again. She scrubbed at her scalp making sure she covered the shampoo all over.

Dunking her head slowly under the water again she washed out the shampoo and settled for taking time to just relax and soak in the tub until the water turned cold. She rested her head against the rim of the tub and sighed contently again as the warm water and bubbles relaxed her aching muscles.

This was bliss....

A/N: hope this wasn't too boring but I wanted to show you a slow improvement between Nellie and Sweeney and her slow progress in getting better again:) thanks for reading!

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