Strawberry Fields Forever - Part Four (4)

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Mae POV ...

After Zayn bought himself a container to put his raspberries in, everything just got a whole lot better. The conversation flowed easily and I was surprised to find that we both had a lot in common. Small talk didn't last long (thank God) and already 10 minutes in to our conversation we were discussing what we wanted to do with our lives, what we both studied in high school, what we (or he) was planning to become before X Factor boosted him and his four friends in to super stardom. I told him my dream of becoming a musician one day, or a great philosopher  and I admired how he actually looked like he cared about what I'd tell him because usually people couldn't give two shits. I was trying my hardest not to blurt something stupid and weird out because I kind of liked him, and I didn't want to freak him out. 

"So why do you want to become a philosopher?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow slightly while munching on a raspberry. We'd picked around 3 containers each and now it was time to snack on them. Lucky for me, I didn't ever get sick from eating acidic food because of some virus I had when I was a kid which meant that I could have as many raspberries as I wanted. He was starting to look slightly sick though. 

"Because I've always ... I don't know. Enjoyed reasoning with life and knowledge, I suppose you could say?" I replied. We were sat in the next field under a tree, surrounded by pears. We weren't supposed to be there, but the pears weren't in season so we couldn't (or wouldn't) steal any, so why not?

"I've noticed," he smiled. 

"It helps me when I write music. What kind of extrovert writes deep and meaningful music? Being an introvert is awesome, and I pride myself on it. Looking at things with a bit of perspective is great - you've just got to try not to dig in to yourself too much," I said with a sigh. I know what I'm saying. Before I was diagnosed with depression, I'd spend countless hours thinking about opinions and life, knowledge, death. That's when I started to lock myself in to my own thoughts -  when I began to face life with a bleak expression. Was there really anything that special here? I'd never really seen it. 

"I know what you mean," Zayn said, sighing slightly. We both didn't know what the time was. We were so wrapped up in each other that we'd just lost track of time. The sun was setting over the fields now, and it looked beautiful. I liked it here. It was like an escape from the truth - the real world. We sat in silence for a while, just absorbing everything. Both of us then got up and began walking back towards the raspberry fields. It was beginning to get a bit cold, and we needed to get back and have dinner at the hotel. It'd been a long day. 

The sun was about to set when Zayn suddenly said:

"Meet me here tomorrow, at 9, OK?" I nodded solemnly.

"Don't you have interviews tomorrow though? I don't want to be the reason for letting your fans down, I mean I know they wait for an awfully long time and -" 

"It's just one day, it can't do any harm," He grabbed my hand and kissed it, looking up in to my eyes. Soppy bastard. I laughed, squinting my eyes and throwing my head back slightly.

"'Till tomorrow, fair one," he said jokingly.I hit him on the head lightly giving him an 'are you serious?' look.

"OK,OK, I'll piss off now," he laughed stepping back, then running off in to the car park and around the corner with one last wave. 

Zayn POV ...

I was so full from eating all of those raspberries, I literally felt like I was going to explode. I really liked Mae, she was a great person. It was nice to meet someone with the same interests as myself. Everyone nowadays seemed to have all of their priorities f*cked up from fame. Mae  was real though, and she didn't talk about all the other b*llshit that seemed to become a never ending cycle of my conversation. Looks, then hair, then makeup, then clothes, then love life. Repeat. 

We'd been walking for who knows how long, and although we were in silence it wasn't awkward. It was nice not to talk for now. We'd just reached the beginning of the raspberry fields when I turned around to face her, taking her hand gently and kissing it.

"'Till tomorrow, fair one," I said playfully. She gave me this weird look, telling myself that she thought it was a bit stupid then hit me on the head lightly. 

"OK,OK, I'll p*ss of now," I laughed. I jogged back a bit and gave her a final wave, then ran off to find Liam.


"God, Liam, and she's just so real, you know? It's like .. I don't know, I've never met anyone like her," He bumped me in the shoulder. After I'd found him at the strawberry fields, we'd walked back to the city central and caught a taxi to the pub the rest of the boys were at. Harry and Louis were on the verge of becoming so drunk they were going to pass out, and Niall was trying his hardest to handle his liquor and pay attention to us. It wasn't working very well though.

"Is she hot?" Harry slurred, giving me a sloppy half smile before thrusting himself on the table clumsily. Louis on the other hand, was off trying to get in the loo without waiting in the large queue. He'd been shouting at management for the past 10 minutes and if he didn't stop soon, he was going to get kicked out.

"She's very pretty, but in that kind of innocent way .. Not sexual or anything," I said quietly. 

"SCORE!" Harry shouted at us, pumping his fist in the air and spilling his drink a bit on the floor. Liam rolled his eyes.

"You know I met a girl today as well. Her name is Anna. She great, I really like her, and I plan on meeting her tomorrow back at the strawberry fields," Liam almost shouted over the music. A band had just started playing on the stage in front of us. 

"Yeah, she was telling me that she'd brought a friend on her gap year. I couldn't quite remember her name though," 

"Really? We could go together then," he screamed. 

"Well I'll come with you, I'm meeting Mae as well," I shouted back.

"Great, what time?"


"Sweet, me too. Come on, let's get them out of here before our reputation plummets in to the ground," Liam said, while grabbing on to Harry and Niall, attempting to drag them out of the bar. I went over to Louis, who was still screaming at the manager:


"Is this your friend?" The manager asked me while trying to defend himself from the flailing arms of Louis.

"Yeah, and he's coming with me now," I said seizing Louis by the arm and pulling him to the entrance of the pub. They'd been drinking all afternoon. I shoved him in to a taxi and told the driver the address of the hotel before sitting next to him and opening the window. The smell of alcohol was just too strong. I would've had a few drinks with them if my mind wasn't so occupied, but I just couldn't get drunk now - I had to meet mae tomorrow.

The taxi drove us to the hotel in short time. 

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