Hehe funny story

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Well, not really funny but kinda

So I was in English class today and we were reading this passage as a class.

This girl was reading and it said something I don't remember. All I remember is the number 21.

So she's reading and she says twenty one and I whisper, Pilots.

And my teacher goes: yesss. I love tøp. (He actually said t-o-p btw)

(Ha while I'm writing this I'm standing outside of school waiting for my mom and she's late so there's only like 6 people out here and my principal just walked out with a rubber glove on and he goes "I heard that someone found a condom. Where is it?" And these kids walk over to this condom and he just picks it up and walks away)

Any who.

I go "me too, mr t."

And then he's like, "oops sorry I distracted you from your reading"

And I can't stop thinking about how my language teacher listens to tøp. He pulled aside after class and asked what my favorite song was 😂

K baiii

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