Taggy McTag the 3rd

13 2 1

I was tagged by ladytyler

1) My name is Allyson. Or Ally if you prefer that.

2) She/her

3) I am 14 years old

4) I used to think I was straight but now I realize that I have a crush on one of my best friends so I'm most definitely bisexual.

5). I'm a girl.

6) I'm not sure what gender expression means?

7) No, no one that I know irl knows I'm bisexual except for one of my closer friends. I haven't even told my best friend yet. So no, I'm not out of the closet.

8) uhhhh if you don't like it then you can go fuck yourself because I am who I am.

10 peeps:


I don't feel like taggin anymore people lmao

K baiii

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