dude, last semester i always looked forward to my lunch period. not even because i got food but because i got to see my two best friends who i didn't have any classes with. but this fucking semester, all six of the other girls that sat with me at lunch, including the aforementioned best friends, were switched from my lunch to the lunch period before mine. and everyone else already had their established tables and their established friend groups so i now sit with this one kid that now everyone thinks i'm dating. but we're friends and we actually had a meaningful conversation at lunch. i hate lunch because i sit in the middle of the cafeteria at a table(meant for 8) that's only holding two people. but hey, it could be worse. i could be all alone. the good thing though, is that i made a new friend, and even if he can't replace my bestest friend ever, i'm glad that at least he was nice enough to let me sit with him. thanks, dalton. i appreciate you.
but, yesterday, when i was looking for a new seat, i was awkwardly wandering the cafeteria trying to find an open table holding at least one of my friends. and i found only dalton who's in two of my classes and we were language partners at one point but our friendship never went any farther than the occasional "hi" or wave in the hall.
i miss lexi at lunch but hey, now we have 6 open seats so any other kid who is possibly new, or in a situation like me is open to sit with us! and i'm glad to let them because fuck me if dalton is absent one day and i have to sit at that table by myself.