Chapter 24*

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"I don't know who they were." I said as I sat in my dorm room. Doris sat at my desk, and Helen in her lap.

"You know, it sounds like they're wise guys." Doris suggested.

"That is a serious accusation!" Helen tapped her chest.

"Nah, you know Marlon but you don't know that Wally guy. I mean— selling jewelry? And Marlon wouldn't tell you where it's from? Sounds sketchy." Doris mumbled with a squint.

"You know what? Your mind is so dark you're a little sketchy." Helen said wrapping her arms around Doris. They grinned and shared a kiss.

I was happy for them, but it made me miss my Marlon. They were lucky, because right when they stopped kissing Francesca opened the door.

"Hey ladies." She smiled, totally unbothered by the Helen sitting on Doris' lap. On those days the last thing that would've crossed their mind was that a girl like Helen would be a lesbian.

"Pat, you gotta phone call for you." Francesca informed me. I rose from my bed and walked down the hall through the girls. When I picked it up, I heard a welcomed voice.

"Did George contact you?" Marlon asked.

"How do you know—" I stuttered.

"Did he!?" Marlon shouted.

"No." I said, gripping the phone receiver. "Why?"

"If he calls you, hang up. If he comes to your dorm, call me." Marlon said angrily.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'll fucking snap his neck." He said, but it was muffled and far away as if he was telling someone else in the room.

"Marlon, what's wrong?" I asked shakily.

"George is dirt, fucking dirt, Pat. If he tries to get in touch, ignore it. Trust me, he doesn't have your interest at heart." Marlon told me.

"Alright..." I said, confused.

"Okay, I'm glad I could talk to you. Goodnight, baby." He said, a bit less tense.

"Goodnight." I whispered and hung up the phone. The girls began murmuring, and I knew there was a visitor.

"At this time of night?" One girl judged. When I turned, it was James. He wore his usual glasses.

"Pat, are you okay?" James asked, giving me a hug and kissing my cheek.

"I'm fine— what are you doing here?" I asked nervously.

"Marlon sent me to check on you." James said. "Something about some guy you were seeing?"

"What about him?" I asked and James looked around at the girls. I held his hand and led him to my dorm, shutting it. Helen and Doris had already left.

"George and his family seems to be involved with some people that you don't want to be caught up with, Pat." James said as his hands were on my waist.

"Okay..." I said sitting on the bed. "Where is this all coming from, I haven't even spoken to him."

"That seems to be the problem." James sighed.

"But why?" James sat next to me.

"Just stay away from him, alright?" James asked softly. "Stay away from that guy."

I nodded, my hands shaking. I was so obviously nervous because I couldn't understand what was happening.

"I haven't heard from you in a while." James mentioned, then his face got even sadder. "Or Marlon."

I put my hand on his knee with a frown.

"I thought, I feel like I cared so much about you. About both of you! And I never expected even you to ignore me." James said sadly. "And Marlon is usually on and off but, he's gone cold turkey."

"James, you know you mean so much to us." I reassured him. He fixated his glasses.

"Do I?" He asked softly. I leaned into him and kissed his cheek, then the side of his mouth, and he kissed me fully.

"I miss you so much, Patricia." He sighed, kissing me longer. He kissed down to my neck and I laid down.

"But... Marlon isn't here." James reminded me. I tugged in the lapels of his jacket.

"Marlon wouldn't mind, trust me." I reassured him. He shrugged off his jacket, and underneath he wore a white t-shirt. He laid on top of me and kissed me, and I lifted my dress to wrap my legs around his torso.

He nipped and sucked down my body, his hand traveling from my chest to my core. He rubbed my clothed heat, and looked at me with parted lips.

Then, I helped him unbuckle his pants. With one hand, he shoved my panties down and entered inside of me.

He slowly rocked his hips, looking into my eyes. James usually wasn't one to take control, but his fingers wrapped into my hair and held onto it.

"I missed touching you." He admitted as he thrusted into me. "I miss both of you."

I moaned as he pulled out and lifted my gown over my chest. He licked my breast and ducked my nipple, then made his way down my stomach. He licked along my hip bones, and then up my thigh, then to my heat.

I moaned out, holding onto his hair as he brought my leg over his shoulder. He gave head differently than Marlon, slowly licking up and down my heat. He was less aggressive, and more careful about each move he made.

His head bobbed up and down as I lifted and rocked my hips to his tongue. His tongue went flat on my entrance, and then entered it. I pulled onto his hair even more. Finally, he touched my clit and I bit my lip in response.

I pulled James's hair so he came up to my face, then he sat up so he was kneeling next to me. I laid on my side facing him, and his cock was in front of my face.

Then, I sucked his member once, then looked up as I pumped him. James' back leaned against the wall as he kneeled next to me, his cheeks bright red. I never broke eye contact as I sucked him some more, and he grabbed my hair.

"Fuck." He mumbled, that was the first time I heard James curse. He released and I laid on my back, then kissed my lips.

"Never... go that long without contacting me again." He said softly, and then turned over to to lie on his side with his back facing me.

I looked at him, confused, then tapped him. He was cold asleep. I guess whatever I did was right, and I curled up next to me and went to sleep also.

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