Chapter 26

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I nakedly tried to make my way out of Marlon's bed, but he pulled me closer to him.

"Marlon, I have to go." I mumbled, trying to get out of his grip. He playfully held me close and spun me over, kissing me.

"Stay for a little longer." He said, wrapping his legs in mine.

"Nuh uh." I shook my head with a smile and he began giving me kisses all over. He gave small pecks down my chest and all over my stomach, and I kicked out and laughed.

I finally got out of the bed and got my clothes on, leaving Marlon's bedroom. Wally waved as he sat in the living room.

"Bye!" Wally smiles, and when I looked at the coffee table it was filled with jewelry. I wanted to ask where he got it from, but then I decided to keep on moving.

"Bye." I smiled and walked out. After a day of classes, that night Marlon invited me to the Actor's Studio.

I entered inside the building and walked down the steps to where the action took place. The students there gathered around, practiced likes along with their techniques.

Marlon sat with a group of people, but he didn't speak much. Marlon himself wasn't very talkative among strangers. However, another boy was the life of the conversation.

"And then I took that keg and I shot it down that hill—" The curly haired, blondeish boy said as he moved his hands around. "And as it rolled down the damn hill, guess what it hits?"

"What?" Another guy asked.

"The president's car! Of the college, that is!" Paul proclaimed and everyone in the circle of people bursted out laughing. Marlon laughed along with him patting his back. James sat amongst them, smoking a cigarette and listening in as well.

"Wow, I wish I could've caught that show from the beginning." I said as I stood nearby them. Marlon looked to me and his face lit up.

"Everyone." He said, motioning for me to come closer. I stood next to where he sat in that small school chair and he put his arm around my waist. "This is Patricia."

"Patricia." The blue-eyed storyteller noticed. "I'm Paul."

Paul reached for my hand and kissed it, then smiled up at me with those blue eyes.

"He's a new kid, I don't know how he's so arrogant already." Marlon muttered.

"You act, Patricia?" Paul asked, leaning back in his seat.

"Well, no, but I come to support Marlon, here." I began to speak. You felt like he was listening to every word, and just by the way he looked at you it was as if he was undressing you.

You could say the same about Marlon, but with this guy, it was different. He dressed way more casually than the other boys, in a white t shirt and jeans. He didn't wear leather dress shoes, but old sneakers. He was much younger than them, but still stood his ground.

And he was sexy as ever, in the most noninvasive way.

"Why haven't I've seen you around, Patricia?" He asked, pulling out a cigarette.

"She comes quite a bit, she usually doesn't come inside." James answered.

"You know this doll?" Paul asked James and James' cheeks under his glasses got red.

"Yeah, I know her." He answered quietly. When Paul looked to Marlon, Marlon's jaw was clenched tight and he wasn't smiling at all. Just staring.

Paul slowly got out a cigarette, pressed it between his full lips, and turned to Marlon. "Got a light?"

Marlon stood up in front of me, standing so his posture blocked Paul from my view.

"Pat, why don't you come back after class?" Marlon asked.

"Why don't I stay?" I asked, brushing his cheek. I sat in the seat that Marlon just stood up from, and he looked angry as ever. He roughly pulled a nearby chair to sit in.

"It'll be good to have you, Patricia." James smiled.

"So no one has a light?" Paul asked looking around. A nearby girl got out a lighter and lit Paul's cigarette. He blew away from her and gave her a certain look that's meaning is universal.

Then, Paul turned to us. "You know Patricia, it's funny Marlon never mentioned you. Ever since I started coming to the studio he and I have been the best of buds."

Paul sat different from Marlon. His legs spread, as he rested his elbows on his knees. Marlon sat up with great posture, and slung his arm over the back of my chair.

"He tends to not mention me." I mumbled and looked to him. Marlon laughed and gave me a kiss, when we pulled away Paul rose his eyebrows.

"Oh you're like that." Paul observed, then took another puff of his cigarette.

"They've been like that since before you moved here, but Marlon is such a wanderer." James admitted. "You know, some, uh, girls... they say Marlon drops them so easily."

I thought about James and Marlon's relationship before I came into Marlon's life. From my understanding James was Marlon's concentration, and when he met me he was looking for something new.

"Well, Patricia, if you don't act... what do you do?" Paul asked as he looked at me. His direct, blue eyed, stare almost made me nervous.

"I'm in college at Hunter, I want to be a teacher." I told him and he smiled with applause.

"So you're beautiful, you're smart." Paul listed.

"Colored." Someone in the group coughed out. Paul didn't even look in that person's direction, he still stared at me.

"White girls all look the same." Paul mumbled. "Now you, you catch my attention."

When the class started, Paul seemed to do well. He seemed to know what he was talking about, and be a little bit of a class favorite.

However, usually Marlon was a class favorite. After the class ended Paul, James, Marlon and I all stood outside.

"How about we all get a drink together?" Paul asked.

"I don't know..." Marlon said quietly.

"Since when were you not up to get a drink?" James asked in surprise.

"I... okay." Marlon rolled his eyes. Then, he laughed as if he wasn't visibly upset. "But— Patricia doesn't drink. Do you want a drink Patricia?"

"I don't drink..." I started and before I could get my words out Marlon was talking over me.

"She doesn't drink, plus— I'm a gentleman I should really see her home. Or to my home." Marlon bragged sleazily.

"Marlon." James exhaled, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Don't you dare try to speak for me." I spat back.

"You know... maybe I should head home." James interjected with a pointed finger up.

I looked to Paul, who stood arrogantly with a cigarette in one hand and his thumb through the belt loop of his jeans.

"I don't drink, however I do like a good time out. Will you show me one?" I proposed to Paul.

"I always know how to show a lady a good time." Paul said with risen eyebrows and extended arms.

"Great." I said stepping dangerously close to Paul. I could feel Marlon's eyes burning into my back. "Let's go then!"

Paul and I began walking and James waved us goodbye, going in the other direction. Marlon quickly caught up to Paul and I, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"If you ever let him touch you, I'll break every bone in his body." Marlon mumbled into my ear.

I smirked and looked up at him through my lashes. "I'll decided whether or not I want him to touch me."

Marlon pulled me close by the waist and I removed his arm, linking arms with Paul.

"New York, man! Gotta love it!" Paul shouted out at a skyscraper.

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