Chapter 37

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"How could I possibly just allow you to do that, Paul? After everything that just happened?" I cried, backing away from his embrace. "Marlon is dead!"

Paul slowly passed me to walk to the couch in the center of the living room, and sat down. He covered his face with his hands, and broke down crying. His biceps were on full view as he wept.

"Oh poor you! You were on his side! The man whose responsible for Marlon's death!" I shouted.

"I didn't know, Patricia, I didn't know!" Paul cried into his hands. "Damn it, I had no clue."

"If you didn't know, then tell me how that's possible! I want answers!" I pointed at the ground.

"I don't have them! All I know is that I met George at the studio and he offered me a place in his gang." Paul whined.

"I thought you said you knew him from college?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my robe.

"That's the story he told me to tell people so we could cover our tracks." Paul cried out. My heart softened, and I walked to him. Sitting next to him, I decided to listen. He was hysterically crying.

"After I was approached, I began collecting cash from his affiliates for him and bringing supply to their locations." Paul coughed out.

"Supply?" I asked with a risen brow.

"Stolen cigarettes, booze, even stockings. Anything that'll make a profit." Paul told me.

"Is that all?" I asked softly. Paul shook his head, and got on his hands and knees on the floor. His hand touched my ankle, and I moved it to the side, and he slid a box from under the couch.

Sitting on the couch once again with the box, he opened it. A small, metal container was inside the box. It was so small, he could hold it on the tips of his fingers.

He moved up the little latch, and a white powder was inside.

"Cocaine? Like in that old Charlie Chaplin movie?" I asked softly, and Paul nodded. "Do you use it."

"Once. But I've seen what happens when people constantly go back. It ain't pretty." Paul mumbled, then placed it back in the box. He placed the box on the floor and kicked it back under the couch.

"You really didn't know George knew Marlon?" I asked.

"I really didn't know. I just thought George was a way for a guy to make an extra buck. I had no clue it'd end up like this." Paul shook his head. "I'm so sorry, Patricia."

I felt tears coming on again, and began to cry. Paul pulled me in and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"We were all put in a strange situation. It's like a strange twist of fate brought us together." Paul spoke softly in my ear. "But we'll mourn Marlon."

"You didn't even like him." I reminded Paul. He chuckled.

"He didn't like me. I idolized him. He'd go up on that stage and have the whole audience captivated. I even slept with girls he slept with." Paul chuckled.

"You even slept with him." I noted and he laughed. I stood up and picked up my purse. "Paul, I know we have somewhat of a history but I need time right now."

Paul bowed his head.

"And I think we can agree you do as well. You're shocked, but I'm sure you're going to start to grieve." I nodded and he stood up.

"This is why we have each other, to support one another." Paul looked me in the eyes. I looked at my feet, and he understood exactly what I meant.

I headed to the door, but Paul called after me.

"Wait!" Paul shouted. I turned to him, expecting him to make a long speech about why I should stay. "You forgot your murder weapon." Paul joked, he walked over to the gun and picked it up.

Handing me the gun, I placed it in my purse. He stood there, shirtless and with his hands in his pockets. His blue eyes beamed into me, and I kissed the side of his mouth.

"Goodbye, Paul." I told him as I left.

I returned to Marlon's apartment with somewhat of an acceptance of what happened. It wasn't unbelievable anymore, I finally was beginning to come to terms with it.

I expected James to still be there, and if not, I could at least pack the things I kept there. When I arrived, the front door was unlocked.

I nervously opened it, holding on tightly to my purse, I walked in. The lights were on, as they should have been.

"I can't believe you're leaving." I heard James say from the bedroom. When I stepped in the doorway, there was no other than Marlon standing there.

He wore his best suit, and a hat to match. He was dressed up as if it was his funeral day, but all I cared was that he was alive.

I ran to him and threw my arms around him, and he squeezed me tight. "I thought they got you, Marlon!"

"No one is gonna get me, baby." Marlon reassured into my ear. He tipped his hat as he left a soft kiss on my lips, but then I looked to James.

James sat on the edge of the bed with a suitcase filled with clothes. I looked to Marlon and he was looking to me as he held me by my waist.

"Come with me." Marlon proposed. "I can't stay here anymore, but follow me to the West Coast. Where we can be together."

"I can't leave... I have school." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"There's nothing for us here, Patricia. Don't you want to be with me?" Marlon asked and I sighed.

"My career is more important." I honestly told him. He paused as he scanned my face, hoping I'd change my mind or say something else.

He nodded understandingly, then removed his hat. He turned to James and gave him his famous smirk.

"It's been a ball, James." He smirked, holding out his hand. James stood up and wrapped Marlon in a hug.

I watched as Marlon stood there, stiff and awkward. And finally, he let James in. He hugged him back, and he hugged him meaningfully. That night, I saw a change in Marlon.

He walked to me, and left a kiss on my lips, and once he finished James handed him his suitcase.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to Wally?" I asked.

"Wally is already over there for work. All I have to do is join him." Marlon nodded. "Trust me, I've got this all under control."

All three of us walked down the sidewalk, Marlon in the center. We stopped at the bus stop, and got Marlon his ticket. The moonlight shined down on us as the dimly lit bus arrived.

The doors opened, and a few people got on. It was early in the morning before dawn, so not many people were on it to begin with.

We embraced with Marlon one last time, and then he was ready to go. I could almost see him getting misty eyed.

"See you guys soon." He nodded, and then turned around and stepped onto the bus steps. He took one look back, and then ascended into that bus.

James held me close as tears fell down my cheeks, and he rubbed my back as I cried.

"Don't worry, you'll see him soon." James reassured me. I looked to him.

"How?" I asked. "Who knows when he'll be able to return to New York!"

"He's going to California, probably Hollywood! We're talking about Marlon Brando. You'll see him one way or another. A guy like that can't hide in the dark for too long." James reassured me.

He held me close again as watched the bus take off. James' words lingered with me. I was certain Marlon was going to make it big in Hollywood.

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