Chapter 11*

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Marlon stood on the side of the road and wave his arm as he hauled a taxi. After several minutes of waiting in the brisk winter air, he got one.

A yellow taxi with checkered designing down the sides pulled up. The word taxi was found at the top of the car.

Marlon opened the door and motioned for us to get in. First James got in, then I sat in the center and Marlon slid in after me.

We all sat in the small backseat of that cab, and our bodies were squished in together. My knees leaned toward Marlon and grazed along the wool of his pants as the taxi bumped along. My back leaned on James as he wiggled under me to get comfortable.

Marlon gave me a look, and I knew he was up to something. His hand touched my knee and slowly slid up my thigh. I moaned out loud, and James gave us a glare.

The driver in the front of the taxi peaked in the rear view mirror, but when he didn't see anything suspicious, he continued on driving.

From his view, he couldn't see Marlon's hand all the way up my skirt. And not even James could see the way Marlon was fingering my without saying a word about it. I squirmed and huffed, but I tried to hold it together to not make it obvious.

James figured out exactly what was happening as I kept shifting and moving on top of him. Suddenly, he got a hold of my other knee and slowly pulled it more toward him.

Marlon was still deep inside of me, watching in admiration as he knew he unraveled me. James simply stroked my thigh and watched as Marlon gave me pleasure. I squeezed James' leg as I reacted to what Marlon was doing to me.

I moaned out again, this time my hand landing on Marlon's crotch. The taxi came to a quick halt, and Marlon pulled his fingers out of me.

As Marlon sucked his fingers, James reached in his pocket and got out the money to pay.

"Keep the change." James told him, and then opened the door. I got out, then Marlon.

Marlon stayed close behind me as I walked inside of his building, and James scurried to follow behind us.

We got to the floor of the building, and Marlon got out his keys to open his door. As he unlocked, James wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I kissed him back with my arms around his neck, and once we heard the click of the door we poured in.

James kissed me as we backed up to the couch, and I laid down on the couch with my legs spread. He was definitely excited, and he slowly walked to me.

Before he could get on top of me, the door slammed. We both looked and there stood Marlon. He was tall, as usual. His hair was slicked back in shiny waves.

He walked toward us and stood there. Crossing his arms, he didn't say a word. James slowly sat next to me and began kissing me again. Then, kissing my neck and chest.

Marlon still stood and watched, the bulge in his pants slowly growing.

James slowly lifted up my dress, my stockings and garter belt being revealed. I didn't wear panties that night, and his finger swiped over my heat.

I exhaled and looked to Marlon, wondering when he'd join us. James got down and buried his face on my heat. He licked and sucked exactly where he needed to in order to send sensations through my body.

Marlon's head tilted as he watched me hold onto James' hair, exhaling and gaping as James went down on me. I couldn't help but move my hips to his face as he did his work.

Marlon walked over and held onto James hair, slowly pulling him up from my center. James sat up off of me, but never lost eye contact. I tried to touch myself, but Marlon held my wrist.

"Both of you, take off your clothes, go in the room and kneel until I come in there." Marlon ordered. James and I looked at each other, then both stood up and walked off to obey.

James helped me get off my dress, garter belt and stockings. I helped him get off his shirt and trousers.

We both kneeled on the bed waiting for Marlon to arrive. When Marlon did arrived, he was totally naked. His member stood up from obvious excitement. He walked toward us and stood in front of the bed that we were on top of.

He put his hand on James' cheek, then the other on my cheek. He put our faces together so James and I would kiss once again.

Marlon looked to me, and laid me down. Then, he began crawling on top of me. His member swiped up my body as he crawled up to my face. He began kissing me, his soft lips wrapping with mine.

As he did this, James kissed down his back and to his ass. Then, James' hand swiped up Marlon's thigh. Marlon moaned against my lips, and I entered my tongue into our kiss. His lips vibrated against mine as he moaned while James pleasured him.

Marlon entered me and began moving inside of me. I held onto him as he thrusted into me. James came up to my face, and kissed me from the side. Marlon sat up straight and brought me closer to him and thrusted in me that way. James kissed my breasts.

Later on, Marlon sat up against the headboard, pleasuring himself as he watched James fuck me.

In the end, we all laid in bed tied up in the sheets. Marlon left one leg out on the side because he was hot, James held onto his jewels while he slept and I was in the middle of both of them.

I probably was the luckiest girl in the world. And for the time, the craziest as well.

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