Chapter 25*

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Marlon and I walked onto the dimly lit train together. It was night, and we had just walked along Park Avenue together.

We stood and held onto the same pole in the corner of the train car. The only other person there was a man reading his paper. We laughed and giggled quietly together.

"I can't wait to get you home." Marlon said as he laughed against my cheek. "But I still can't believe you..."

"Still can't believe what?" I asked back just as playfully.

"I can't believe you fucked James one-on-one." He said quietly so the man on the other end of the cart wouldn't hear. "Who does it better?"

"Does what?" I asked, my cheeks getting hot. He swung closer to me as we held onto the pole, and his hand inched its way up the back of my skirt.

"Who fucks you better?" He asked. I looked him in the eyes, then to the man only sitting a few feet away.

I wondered if that man could overhear our conversation. I was quickly broken out my thoughts.

"Answer my question." He insisted with a growl, and his fingers entered me. I was disoriented, but my whole body was feeling pleasure.

"It's—" The train stopped and Marlon's fingers curved inside of me. The man, without noticing, stood up and smiled.

"Happy New Year." He said with a nod. He couldn't even see that behind my ass Marlon's hand was up my skirt and in my pussy.

"Happy New Year." We answered back in unison. The instructor's voice boomed muffled through the speakers as he announced the next destination.

Marlon didn't remove his fingers, but only began moving them in and out slowly. My heart pounded as I wondered whether or not someone would choose to sit in our subway car.

A woman poked her head in, looked around, then nonchalantly decided to sit elsewhere. My palm got sweaty as I squeezed the pole tightly. As the train doors began to close, Marlon tensed his arm, leaving me no choice but to stand closer to him chest to chest.

"Who fucks you the best, honeypot?" He asked, his fingers beginning to move once again as the train raced along the tracks.

"You." I answered desperately, trying to move my hips. Since the train was in motion, Marlon was able to take his hand off the pole and hold my hip.

"Not so fast." He said, making my hip stay still. He held back onto the pole, now touching the spot in my that needed to be touched the most.

"It's you, Marlon!" I repeated, even though he didn't ask.

"Who makes you feel good?" He asked, coming closer and whispering in my ear. I moaned as his fingers continued to work wonders. My wetness began dripping down my thighs.

"It's you." I said again. I reached for a kiss but he pulled away.

"So why would you fuck anyone else?" He growled. I furrowed my eyebrows, he always fucked other people. Why did it make a difference if I fucked other people?

"It's my right!" I insisted. His fingers stopped, and he tensed his arm again to bring me close.

"I know it is, but why would you want to fuck anyone else when I make you feel this good?" He asked, continuing to keep his fingers still. "You can fuck anyone you want, baby, but why would you want to go anywhere else?"

"Because I could." I answered and he added another finger. He moved his fingers again, and I looked down at the bulge in his slacks.

"Do you want me to fuck you, baby?" He mumbled in my ear. "Do you want me to take you in this subway car?"

"Please." I said, holding onto his shoulder with on hand and the pole with the other.

"How bad do you want my cock in your pussy?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"So badly." I begged. He moved his fingers in an even more torturing way.

"What would you do to get it?" He asked, and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Anything!" I answered. The train pulled to a stop again, and someone began stepping on. He pulled his fingers out and sucked them, I watched his lips as he did it.

Then, he leaned down into my ear. "When we get home, I'm going to fuck you so hard, you'll never be able to walk to his apartment again."

When we finally got off, we immediately walked the few blocks it took to get to his new apartment building.

Once arrived, he was going to open the door but then cursed under his breath.

"Wally is in there." He mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We've had sex in there before." I mentioned to him.

"He's expressed... noise complaints." He sighed, his hands in his pockets. Then, a grin spread on his face.

I looked at my feet. "So what now?"

"If he doesn't want me to take you in there..." Marlon mumbled, grabbed my waist and pushing me up against a wall. "Then I'll take you here."

He unbuckled his belt, and I watched impatiently as he got his member out of his boxers. He pulled out a metal case that looked like it should hold mints, and when he opened it, rubber objects with paper wrapped around the center was inside.

"What are those?" I asked and he pulled one out and shut the cast, stuffing it back in his pocket.

"They're rubbers. They use them a lot in the military, it helps us prevent—" Marlon explained with the foreign object between his two fingers.

"Now I know what they are." I answered. He peeled the paper from around it, and it bounced into a circular shape. He smirked, holding up the paper, then throwing it in the air. He held the object in front of the head of his member, and I helped him slide it on.

His breathing hardened as I stroked my fingers along his member, gliding on the piece of rubber. And then he got close to me, holding the base of his penis to make sure it would stay in place.

Sliding his cock inside of me, he held my arms up against the wall as he fucked me. I wrapped a leg around his waist, and he fucked me slowly but deeply. Each thrust was hard and emotional.

I buried my face into his shoulder, and when he was close he held onto my waist with one hand and my ass with the other. Then, hoisting me up, he held me with both legs around him against the wall.

His face was red with determination, and he was hoping to finish soon before someone asked what the knocking in the hallway was. Finally, he came inside of me, and his lips parted as he finished.

"I didn't cum." I told him and he pulled out, slipped off the condom and threw it out in a nearby garbage. I wondered what reaction the cleaning people would have when they emptied that.

He looked at me, and I pouted. Then he grabbed my hips and turned me around forcefully. Now I faced the wall, and I stood with my hands pressed on it.

He got on his knees and licked my pussy from behind. His tongue rolled along my folds, then to my clit. I pushed my hips back onto his face, and he grabbed my ass cheek. Then, he stuck his tongue inside of me, and curved it forward to that spot that I love.

He took his tongue out, and licked the piece of skin right below my entrance. And after he concentrated on that, he went back to my clitoris, and stayed around there until I came.

I moaned out loudly, and he dug his nails into my thigh.

"Quiet." He told me against my heat, and cleaned up all evidence that I ever had an orgasm. Standing up, I turned to face him and he wiped his lip with his thumb.

I held his wrist away, and kissed him passionately. Then he nonchalantly put his pants back on. When he stepped to the door, he saw that the key was already put in the lock from when we first arrived, and his quietly pushed the door open to the dark apartment.

"After you." He smiled, and watched me as I limped through the doorway. He watched my ass as I passed by, then pulled the key out and shut the door.

*why are my best dirty chapters the ones that I write when I'm half asleep? 😂

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