Chapter 31*

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I sat on Marlon's couch while he showered, and the phone rang.


"Wally!" I shouted out, but then remembered he left after Marlon and him squabbled.


"Marlon." I mumbled, I technically didn't want him to hear. I wanted to answer that phone.


"Hello?" I answered.

"You again." A deep, smooth voice answered. It was no other than Paul Newman.

"I thought you and Marlon had a cat fight, what's making you call here?" I joked and Paul laughed a hearty laugh.

"You're real moxie, Pat." Paul complimented. "You know, I'm calling for you."

"How'd you know I'd be here?" I asked as I sat back, fiddling with my robe.

"When does Marlon ever not have you around?" Paul chuckled, but I didn't find it too funny. I went to Marlon's apartment because I wanted to, not because I felt like I needed to.

"I don't know what that means." I answered back coldly, and Paul whistled in the phone.

"Yikes. Didn't meant to bring the claws out." Paul defended himself, I didn't answer. "Hey, speaking of coming out, how about you get out of that musty apartment and play around with me?"

"Musty? It's practically up Central Park's ass." I joked and Paul laughed.

"Well I still want to see you." Paul said honestly and I smirked.

"Well that doesn't necessarily mean I want to see you. How's Kim?" I asked.

"Smelly." He answered and I laughed. "Come on, babygirl, get out... get way out."

"I'll think about it." I answered, and before Paul could say anything else someone was taking the receiver from me.

I looked to the side of me and Marlon was standing with a towel wrapped around his waist and wet hair. He took the phone receiver and held it up to his ear.

"Trying to take my girl again?" Marlon asked, his voice sounded light hearted but his face seemed serious as ever.

"Marlon, I didn't mean to get you all emotional." I could faintly hear through the phone receiver Marlon had to his ear.

"You know Pat is my number one girl." Marlon sat on the arm rest of the couch. His towel lowered, and you can see a glimpse of his ass peaking at the top. My eyes scanned up his toned back, and looked to his muscular arm that held the phone to his ear.

"You know what Paul? You're asking for trouble." He said into the phone. A muffled answer came through the receiver, and Marlon slammed the phone down.

He angrily sat on that arm rest, his back turned to me. His hands gripped it on either side of him.

"Let me guess, I can't tell you what to do or who to see?" Marlon asked angrily.

"You're learning." I grinned, leaving kisses on his back. He stood up and walked away.

"Go and kiss Newman." Marlon mumbled as he walked away. I watched with a risen brow as he really left me sitting there, and he dropped his towel at his bedroom door before walking into his bathroom.

I crossed my arms sitting on that couch, and laughed to myself. I was actually getting under his skin.

Paul and I walked through Washington Square Park, cuddled up next to each other. We laughed and cracked jokes as people passed by and stared.

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