reunited // k. bakugou

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word count: 1.4k

summary: it had been a tough three years after moving away from your childhood friends, but you finally get to return to musutafu when you pass yuuei's entrance exam.

quirk: shockwave, able to send seismic waves from your fingertips much like an earthquake, can be detrimental to oneself.


you were never really too sure why your parents had decided to move from your lovely home in musutafu, moving to kasukabe right before you'd have finished grade school. you suspected it was to be closer to your paternal grandmother though, she hadn't been doing too well after your grandfather died. however, that didn't damper your spirits on wishing to return in order to attend yuuei, the top hero academy in all of japan.

your mind always went wondering whenever you thought of yuuei, how a boy you used to know had dreamed of going there, of achieving his own dream of becoming a hero.

bakugou katsuki–he was a classmate of yours, one you always gave your cup of fruit to, and in return, he gave you his jello cup. you wondered what happened to him after you moved away, if he ever did stop bullying midoriya; you were never actually given the chance to say goodbye, you never found a way until you just up and disappeared from their lives.

the day you were accepted into yuuei academy, you were ecstatic, as well as your parents; they knew your dreams of becoming a hero, and they knew your quirk would take you far. there was a small celebration with your middle school friends, and while you were sad to say goodbye, nothing could dampen your spirits.

it was a nice day out, april bringing about the blooming cherry blossoms. your uniform was pressed and clean, you'd left your new apartment (that your parents so graciously paid for) twenty minutes earlier than you had to, and you were wondering if any of the other people you'd applied with would be in your class in the hero course, your mind drifting to bakugou for a moment before a green-haired boy had bumped into you.

"sorry! i wasn't watching where i was going!" he stammered, picking you up from the ground.

you dusted off your clothes, smiling at him, "it's okay, i technically wasn't eith–midoriya-san?" your brows furrowed, looking at the boy in front of you. while he'd grown up quite a bit, you could still recognize those freckled cheeks and bright green eyes anywhere.

he jumped back with a blush on his cheeks, "uh, d-do i know you? i mean, i can't, you don't look familiar, and i don't think we took the exam together, but like, you're so pretty, and i'd remember if–" he gulped, "s-sorry."

you just laughed, "you're still the same, midoriya-san. i didn't think i'd changed that much."

he blinked, cheeks still red. "i-i'm still not following. wh-who are you?"

"it's me, (name)!" you beamed. "i've returned to go to yuuei!"

his eyes widened, "(n-name)-san? you look so different! wait, where have you been? we were all so worried about you, you just disappeared!"

you gave him a sheepish grin, "yeah, sorry about that."

"what happened? kacchan was so upset," he replied.

"we moved to kasukabe to live with my grandmother," you said. "i feel bad i never said goodbye, but i didn't really know how to–wait, what time is it?"

midoriya's eyes went wide as he checked the time on his phone, "we better get to class before we're late!"

"come on!" you grabbed the freckled-boy's hand, dragging him as you ran towards yuuei. it wasn't too long of a run, and you two had luckily made it about ten minutes before class, which wasn't half bad considering you took a wrong turn (or two).

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