unrequited. // h. shinsou

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your paintbrush glided over the canvas, a mixed hue of purple and blue merging together to create the perfect shade of indigo you were hoping for. the tip of your tongue stuck out of the corner of your mouth as you worked on the new painting, the faint line of your sketch barely visible.

  even though you were in japan's number one hero academy (the general education, at least), art had always been a small escape for you with the stressful events that happened at school. it was one of the ways to efficiently communicate with your quirk, too. you could see small glimpses into the future, and you drew out your visions before you forgot them.

  you were never seen without a sketchpad in your hands, and paint somehow always seemed to get into your hair.

  it took a moment before you realized you were sketching a pair of eyes, gazing at you through the paper. you could have sworn you'd seen those eyes before. you ran a hand through your locks, a bit of indigo color painting your (hair color) strands. it was just about time to head back to the dorms, so you would have to leave your work as it was. though, the only vision you'd had were those indigo eyes.

  you turned in your seat, eyes catching something in the window if the classroom door as you did so. you did a double take, but when you had looked again, no one was there.


  shinsou hitoshi left the training room with aching muscles and bruised limbs. he wasn't good enough to beat his new mentor, but he could tell he was getting better with the restraining clothes. perhaps he'd place within the top three at the next festival, given he was allowed to use them.

  he stuffed his hands into the pocket of his uniform slacks with a sigh. he passed by one of the open classrooms, peering into the room for a moment before he stopped. no matter how many times he watched the girl from his class draw, he was always hypnotized to stop and watch her work. they were impressive, and he wanted to know what made her draw what she did.

  last week, he'd even saw her draw what he believed were his eyes. he was sure he was the only one in yuuei with his eye color, and somehow the girl had gotten the shade exactly right.

  he took a closer look, teetering within the entrance of the classroom as he watched her paint with tired eyes. it was another painting, one that his tired mind couldn't process was him again, leaning in that very doorway.
  you could feel holes burn into your back as you worked, and you took a nonchalant glance at the clock above you. "i still have ten minutes left, snipe-sensei, i–" you turned, words catching in your throat as you noticed it wasn't the art teacher.

  he hadn't even noticed you staring at him at first, his eyes trained on the drawing.

  "shinsou-san?" your head tilted with confusion.

  said boy jumped and his eyes came back into focus. "oh, sorry, i didn't mean to intrude, (last name)-san."

  a smile graced your lips, and you shook your head. "it's okay, i'm just not used to an audience," you laughed. you looked back to your painting, and then back to shinsou with your mouth agape. "uh, s-sorry about that. i just–it's part of my quirk."

  shinsou's brows furrowed. "huh?" he stepped in and got a closer look at the drawing, now realizing it was him. "oh, it's me. you're a really good artist."

  you blushed. "th-thanks."

  "you said it was part of your quirk?" he asked.

  "yeah, i-i can see glimpses of the future," you replied. "but, it's like dreaming. if i don't draw it out right away, i'll forget about it. you know?"

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