whipped // k. bakugou

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word count: 417

 "what the hell are they laughing at?" kaminari eyed the group of girls from where he was sat with bakugou, kirishima, and sero.

kirishima shrugged, "dunno, maybe girly stuff."

"should we get closer so we could hear?"

"maybe if we don't make it obvi–"

"oi, whatever the fuck they're talking about doesn't matter when i'll destroy your asses at this damn game," bakugou grumbled.

kaminari rolled his eyes, sparing a few glances at the girls bunched up around the couches in the living space.

"oh my god," jirou laughed as she pointed at you, "i think i get it now!"

you quirked a brow, "jirou-san, what are you ta–"

"you're fucking whipped!"

a bloom of red blossomed over your cheeks, mouth opening and closing as you fruitlessly thought of a snarky remark.

"you're right, jirou-kun," ashido exclaimed with a wide grin. "she can't even speak!"

you glared, "what? he's my boyfriend! he's just... he's so fucking cool! the way he can just face any problem he's put up against, or how he can literally cause explosions in his hands, and how fucking strong he is! it's amazing, i mean, have you seen those muscles?!"

tsuyu laughed into the palm of her hand, "(name)-chan, you are most definitely whipped."

"s-so what...," you grumbled, eyes flitting away and accidentally making eye contact with kaminari, who was staring at your little group curiously.

"i don't know, i think it's kind of cute," uraraka said. "the way you admire him, it's like deku-kun and all might."

"hah?!" you jumped, eyes darting towards the gravity girl.

the girl blanched, "n-no! i mean, the way you admire him, it's-it's really cute and sweet!"

"i can't help it," you groaned. "i just... baku-kun's so cool, and he completely dominates the fucking field with his quirk. he's like a god out there, so unlike the rest of the class or even the school. the way he can adjust to any environment and be so diligent about schoolwork and homework and make time for everything!"

jirou rolled her eyes, "and... saying all this isn't really helping your case, (name). if anything, it proves my point that you're so damn whipped for bakugou."

"yeah, yeah, whatever, can we just–"

"oi, (name)!" a voice called.

a blush rose to your cheeks, "y-yeah?"

"c'mere!" bakugou said, his brow quirked up in the slightest at your red face.

you looked sheepishly at the girls surrounding you, "uh...."

and as you walked away, you could hear ashido faintly imitating a whip.

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