time // hawks

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gender in this imagine will be female. if you wish for me to create this with male or genderneutral pronouns please feel free to send a message my way! i would be happy to help!

word count: 4.2k

warning: suicide attempt due to traumatic event.

summary: because of your quirk, you've isolated yourself away from other; not to protect them, but rather yourself. after an attempt on your life, you meet hawks–the first person who wiggles his way into your life.


you untied your apron, tossing it into the hamper. you despised the long shifts at the coffee shop, but with your boss's time running out to be with his family, you were understanding enough to take up the shifts he needed covered. you supposed it was one way you could use your quirk usefully–giving those who were about to die time to spend with their loved ones. but, it was awfully draining.

"good work today!" one of your coworkers called.

you thanked them with a wave of your hand on your way out.

the sky had turned into a swirl of violets, pinks, and oranges with the setting sun, a light breeze filtering through the air. small puddles from the early-morning rain still lingered in the streets, and you were thankful for the boots on your feet keeping the chilling water away from your socks.

27 years; 48 days; 13 minutes.

6 years; 52 days; 17 minutes.

3 days; 33 minutes; 14 seconds.

you sighed to yourself upon seeing the clocks.

since you could remember, you could see the time people had left. how many years they had left to live their lives to the fullest, how many days they had left to go on their last adventures, how many minutes they had left until they had to tell everyone they held dear they loved them, how many seconds until they took their last breaths.

the only clock you couldn't see was your own.

you had hidden yourself away, locked in your bedroom and choosing not to make friends at school. you didn't want to get attached to people you knew would die, when they would die. it never made sense to get close to someone you could lose.

when you quirk had manifested, you believed you were doing people a kindness, telling them how long they had left on earth. the grandmother that lived on your street only had a few years, the police detective had several days, and a child you met from across the street only had a couple hours. you told them shamelessly, unaware that you were only causing anxiety. it wasn't until your mother told you that you were hurting people that you stopped. from then on, you suffered in silence.

it lasted through your childhood, to your teenage years, and even as you became an adult, you were still wary of the world. but, with your own mother's clock dwindling down, you knew you had to leave before time ran out.

"mom?" you answered your phone, cradling it in between your ear and shoulder as you fished for your keys through your purse.

"(name)! don't you know not to make a sick woman worry?" came the hoarse voice from the speaker.

you sighed, twisting open the lock and letting yourself into the small and lonely apartment. "sorry, i've been at work all day. how are you feeling?"

there was a small, stifled cough. "i've been okay. the doctors say i'm getting better."

your heart panged–it was a lie. "th-that's good, mom."

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