colors // s. todoroki

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word count: 800

summary: an encounter with a bag-snatching thief introduces you to your soulmate.


  you had grown up seeing the world in different hues of blue and silver–the two colors that had quickly become your favorite, even if you hadn't had the chance to see any other colors of the rainbow.

  like everyone else in the world, you could only see the colors that your soulmate's eyes were, and while at first you were confused about seeing two, your parents were quick to teach you about heterochromia.

  your train ride to and from school, your vacations, your bedroom; it was all a whirl of blue and silver, and you loved it. the silver tint of your parents faces, or the blue that would bloom onto your friends' faces when you complimented them. though you were quick to realize it was supposed to be red, you thought the blue was much more calm.

  but even as you adored the colors, as you grew older, you started to get anxious of when you would be able to see the multiple colors of the world. your friends had all met their soulmates, and they'd gush about the cool color of your hair, or how a certain color was unappealing to them, or some were calming.

  you were a bit jealous, and the blue was starting to get sickening.

  you slipped down the street towards the market that fateful day. there was the blue coffeehouse next to the turquoise florist, or the indigo bank across the street from the cerulean post office. there was the silver mass of crowds, all dressed in shades of baby blues, navy, and zaffre. but as you wondered about what their real colors were, you were stopped in your tracks as you felt a yank at the purse on your arm, and the strap dangled off.


  you turned your heel and chased after the culprit, feet pounding against the pavement. you shoved through the many crowds and mumbled apologies to those you touched; the man was starting to get away.

  "get back here, you-you thief!"

  you were closely paying attention to the robber, not noticing the sidewalk had suddenly been covered in a slick trail of ice. it was too late for you to stop, and you slid across, unbalanced. you screamed as you crashed into someone and fell to the ground with a solid thud. the crash had disoriented you, and you wheezed from the wind being knocked out of you and your head hit the ice.

  "i'm sorry, are you okay?" the voice was quiet amongst the noise of the crowds, and you looked up to see a hand reached down to you.

  you grabbed it, "y-yeah." as you stood, you cradled your pounding head in your hands. "i-i think i'm okay, but-but that... that asshole got away."

  "got away...?"

  "yeah, he stole my–" you looked up, your eyes locking with the boys in front of you. light flashed behind your eyes, and you gasped as you were temporarily blinded. "wh-what the hell?" you blinked, shaking your head.

  "y-your eyes," the voice mumbled in awe.

  you looked up, and you saw the heterochromic blue and silver eyes, the blue and silver hues that you noticed the most in the world. "you-i-we...?"

  you looked around, the world surrounding you with a flurry of different colors, colors that you'd never seen before; bright colors that made you wince, soft colors that made you feel calm, colors that your parents told you about but you'd not yet seen before.

  you glanced back at your soulmate, and he seemed to be looking around too, mouth ajar slightly as he took in the many shades and hues of this seemingly new world that surrounded the two of you. you noticed his hair, how it was split down the middle, with two different colors on each side–red and white. you didn't know how you knew which color was which, but you went by gut instinct.

  "what's your name?" you asked, head tilted.

  he looked down at you, "todoroki shouto, yours?"

  "(last name, first name)," you replied. "i... i'm sorry for crashing into you, what a way to meet your soulmate, right?"

  he laughed, "truly unforgettable. but, i do believe this belongs to you." he held out your purse as it dangled from his hand.

  you gasped, "you-when-how-what?"

  "you slipped on my ice while i went to retrieve it," he explained. "sorry about that, by the way."

  you shook your head with a smile on your face, "n-no, it's okay. i... can i pay you back somehow?"

  "oh, that's not–"

  "perhaps coffee? we can get to know each other, and it'll be my treat for thanking you, todoroki," you beamed.

  how could he say no to that? free coffee and a date with his soulmate? he smiled back at you with a nod, "i would love that."

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