rainy days // h. shinsou

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summary: cats don't really do so well in the rain, do they?

quirk: cat; the ears, claws, eyes, tail, and reflexes of a cat. and with that, comes a drain in your energy from water.


  you were sluggish as you walked back to your dorms, rain pattering down on your umbrella; you were dressed as warmly as you could working with the school uniform; you had on a big rain jacket, some rain boots, a large scarf tied around your neck, and a pair of gloves attempting to warm your hands. to put it short, you weren't very fond of the rain. if you could categorize your feelings for it into one word, you'd simply say draining.

  it wasn't a far walk from the main campus, but it still felt like you had to travel miles to get back to your room. your head was cast down low, your feet dragging along with you.

  most people tended to be excited about rain, or at the very least felt indifferent about it. you, though, despised the rain. you hated how weak it made you feel, how fatigued your muscles felt with any slight movement. you certainly weren't going to be a rainy day hero, if you could even be a hero with such a weakness as a little bit of rain. it was pathetic.

  you were so off today, you hadn't even picked up on the footsteps sneaking behind you.


  your ears barely twitched at the sound of your name, but you turned, a little surprised to see shinsou hitoshi looking at you with furrowed brows.

  "oh, shinsou-kun," you breathed, "i-i didn't hear you come up."

  "everything all right? did you still want to train today?" he asked, "i mean, i understand if you're not up for it. you look tired."

  your eyes widened; you'd forgotten about training with shinsou. "o-oh, no, i-i think i manage!"

  he quirked a brow, "you sure?"

  you nodded, trying to look as energetic as possible, "definitely!"

  he looked as though he was about to oppose, but against his better judgement, he nodded, "okay."

  you huffed as you pushed yourself upwards to avoid shinsou's attack, ignoring the faint throb in the back of your skull as you came back down. you hissed upon missing shinsou, but you backed away. you summoned your claws and launched yourself towards him; you caught his cheek and landed, spinning around before he could use a counterattack.

  you were breathing heavy, despite the fact you'd only started your battle ten minutes ago, aizawa supervising (sleeping) in the corner. little black dots began to swam at the corners of your vision, but you disregarded them, barely having enough time to roll out of the way of shinsou's kick.

  shinsou had a bad feeling the moment he'd stepped into the ring with you; he knew you had better stamina than this, your catlike reflexes from your quirk made you a great training partner. yet, there you were, just on the other side of the rink with your chest heaving up and down quickly as you struggled to catch your breath, your arms hanging low in your stance despite your usual high-kept guard, forehead glistening with sweat and your skin a little paler than normal.

  he should have known just by the sight of you when he caught up with you after class; there was definitely something off. your ears didn't perk up like usual, and your tail wasn't waving idly and occasionally hitting his leg, and you looked even more tired than he was, even though he'd fallen asleep just two hours before school started.

  you noticed your opponent's far off look and used it to your advantage, the balls of your feet hurling you forward as you pounced. but the closer you got, the slower everything felt, the darker everything seemed, the oxygen in your lungs disappearing.

  shinsou had barely snapped back into focus when you were a few feet ahead of him, and he braced himself, ready to block the attack he knew was coming. perhaps he had a chance to stop this.

  "(name)." but knowing full well of his quirk, you kept your mouth shut, and he cursed to himself.

  you neared shinsou with your claws brandished, but the closer you got the black dots had taken over your vision, your body going limp as you blacked out.

  the boy barely caught you as you rammed headfirst into his chest; the two of you tumbled onto the mat with him breaking the fall. he gasped as the wind was knocked out of him, but that wasn't what worried him.

  "aizawa," he called, sitting up with your head cradled in his lap. you were barely breathing, as he could hear a slight wheeze, and your face was incredibly pale.

  the man awoke with a groan, eyes opening blearily. but then he noticed shinsou's worried face and your passed out form, jumping into action. he checked your pulse and felt your temperature. "take her to recovery girl. it seems (name) has overexerted herself."

  the boy nodded, "yes, sir."

  when you had come to, shinsou was still walking with you cradled in his arms. you groaned at the slight pound to your head, memory a bit hazy. "shinsou-kun, wh-what happened?" your voice was hoarse as it left your lips. you remembered training, and then launching yourself. everything else was blank. did shinsou use his quirk?

  "oh, (name), do you feel okay?" he looked down at you with worried, lilac eyes.

  "i-i think so, just tired s'all," you mumbled. "did... did i pass out?"

  he nodded, "yeah, aizawa told me to take you to recovery girl."

  "oh, that's not necessary," you replied. you stopped him, wriggling out of his arms. your legs felt like jelly, but luckily shinsou caught you once more before you could fall. "thanks," you muttered.

  "no problem," he said. "though, i really do think you should see recovery girl. you might have an illness."

  you shook your head, "no, i-i...," you sighed, "it's... it's the one downside of my quirk, nothing serious at all."

  his brows furrowed, arm still securely around your waist to keep you on your feet. "how so?"

  your eyes left his, choosing to focus on the ground. "it's this damn rain, or any water really. it's a pain in the ass."

  "oh," he muttered. images of the past few times your class had decided to go to the pool or the beach flashed through his mind, and how you were either missing in action, or standing off to the side by yourself. "that explains a lot actually. you're okay now though, right?"

  you smiled up at him, "yeah, for the most part."

  "well, if you're not going to see recovery girl, can i see you to the dorms?" he asked.

  "i would like that, shinsou-kun."

  "hop on," the boy surprised you as he knelt in front of you, offering a piggy back ride. it made you giggle as you clambered onto his back, his arms hooking under your legs as you placed your head on his shoulder.

  your breath tickled his neck as you spoke, "thank you."

  he blushed, giving you a small smile, "of course, (name)."

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