snowball fight // i. midoriya

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word count: 767

summary: just a casual snowball fight with your boyfriend.


  there was a slight chill to the air as you walked hand in hand with your boyfriend through the park, a scarf wrapped tightly around your neck. it was your idea to take a walk, but you were regretting it as the wind bit at your nose.

  izuku's thumb brushed over your knuckles, and you looked at him with a smile on your face. "if you're cold, we can head back, (name)."

  you simply shook your head, "it's just a bit chilly, i can handle it. besides, it's nice in its own way."

  he placed a chaste kiss to your temple, "okay, just let me know when you want to head back."

  "sure, izu-kun."

  there were quite a few children playing around the park, some making snowmen, some sledding down the small slopes, and others holding a snowball fight. you glanced at your boyfriend, his eyes scanning his phone as he checked the recent hero news. you had an idea, and you gave a slight wave to your hand towards the snow; the white fluff curled into a few, perfectly circular snowballs.

  you dropped your boyfriend's hand temporarily, and the boy hadn't even noticed. his eyes were still trained on his phone. you smirked, picking up one of them and tossed it his way, the shot perfectly aimed as it hit the side of his head.

  the boy gasped, looking at you incredulously, "did-did you throw that?"

  "huh? i'm not sure what you're talking about," you lied easily, hands behind your back as you swayed on your toes.

  he quirked a brow.

  "must have been the crossfire from the kids," behind your back, you had already began making a pile at your feet. "should we keep going?"

  izuku nodded, still a little bit confused, and he turned his attention back to his phone.

  you landed another perfect shot, but you gave away your innocence as you giggle maniacally. he stared at you with an accusatory finger pointed your way, "you definitely threw that one!"

  "did i?" you grinned, tossing another one at his shoulder.

  he bent over, shaping a snowball in his hand, "you're on!"

  you squealed as he nailed you, throwing another his way while you looked for cover. a snowball hit your back, and you gasped at the chill. you threw a few at him, getting his shoulder and chest while you laughed. you may have been cold, but the ice and snow was your element, it was part of your quirk.

  you shaped a few more snowballs in your hand, firing them off at rapid speed while your boyfriend could hardly keep up. "i don't think you're gonna win this one, izu-kun!"

  he grinned, "i can still try!" he launched one, and it hit the side of your head as you ducked at the correct time.

  you quickly hid behind a tree, izuku smirking at you with a snowball in his hand. you tossed one to deter him from coming any closer, slipping back as he threw one and hit the tree. "missed!" you shouted, turning to face your boyfriend again. but you gasped as a chill of ice hit your nose. "th-that's–izu-kun!" you squealed, the boy sneaking around and grabbing you from behind while you were temporarily blinded.

  the two of you landed on the soft snow in a fit of giggles, your shoulders touching. your chests were heaving as you caught your breath in your laughs, and you turned to your boyfriend. "i win," he laughed.

  you pouted, "even with my quirk, you're too quick."

  he turned, rolling over on top of you. "guess i'm too good."

  "not fair," you huffed.

  "no? you're the one who threw the first shot," he grinned.

  you rolled your eyes with a playful smile, "you weren't paying attention to me."

  "oh?" he quirked a brow, "i wasn't?"

  "n-no?" your cheeks reddened, and you attempted to cover your face.

  the boy caught your hands and leaned over, his lips hovering over yours. his brilliant green eyes were staring straight into your (eye color) ones, silently asking if it was okay to kiss you. you gave a subtle nod, and his lips met yours, the heat from his body surprising you with how cold you really were–then again, you were the one who got a snowball to the face.

  he pulled away as he felt your shiver, "wanna head back now? we can warm up in the shower and watch movies all day."

  you hummed, "that sounds nice."

  the boy smiled and pulled you up with him, his hand intertwining with yours as you made your way home.

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