unstable // k. bakugou

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  "no one's seen her in quite some time."

"do you think she's still alive?"

"who knows? if she is, she knows how to hide."

"she must have been devastated after the accident."

"what happened?"

"someone said she was on a rescue mission, and she failed to save a little boy from being crushed."

"poor, (name)-chan."

the bed had long since grown cold; sheets haphazardly tossed about, a pillow lying idly on the floor. lightning lit up the darkened room, casting shadows of the furniture amongst the walls. a broken phone lay shattered by the far wall, parallel to the unmade bed. a pile of unwashed clothes sat in a corner, and a lone hero suit, torn and bloody, drooped within the mess, almost unrecognizable to its once-pristine condition.

again, the room lit up from the outside storm, and with it, your form. you were sprawled out on the floor with no motivation to move. your hair laid around your head in a knotted halo, matted and greasy from weeks of spontaneous showers.

how long had it been since you showered, how long had it been since you laid on the floor, you wondered, how long had it been since you locked yourself away?

old classmates had contacted you after the accident to no avail. you didn't want to speak to anyone. it was your fault a child had died, someone's son had been crushed by the rubble you caused in your fight against the villains. they said it was an accident, that you couldn't possibly blame yourself, that if you hadn't been there, loads more could have died.

but what kind of hero lets someone they're supposed to save... die?

people had assumed you died, and for the most part, it felt like you had. the life of the hopeful, up and coming hero, just graduated from yuuei and ready to save the world, had ended that day. you died with the boy under the fallen rubble. and this apartment, located deep in tokyo, with barred windows and several locks on the doors, had become your tomb.

your muscles groaned as you sat up from the floor, a symphony of cracking bones following your movement to stand. a brief wave of dizziness rushed over you, and you grabbed the nearby wall to steady yourself. even if you didn't want to move, didn't have a reason to move, you still had to take a trip to the store, and the sore throat and faint headache only proved it.

tossing on a ratty hoodie from your yuuei days over your shirt and a pair of leggings, you slipped out the door of your apartment.

rain fell heavily from the sky, your hair sticking to the sides of your face as you walked down the bustling streets of tokyo. at first, you'd been scared to be recognized; although you had just been starting your career as a hero, you'd been one of yuuei's top students, your performances in the sports festivals were well-known, even getting the best of todoroki shouto in your third year.

but you'd learned that you were no longer the same. no one gave you a second glance on the street, they'd mind their own business and assume you were just another pedestrian living their own life. and for that, you were grateful.

you entered the convenience store with your hoodie up over your head, rain drops falling from your finger tips, and water squeaking in your boots. the store manager gave you a once over, but you sent a small smile his way. he was the only one who recognized you, but not as (hero name). he recognized you as the girl who stopped in every week, paid in full, and tipped a little extra.

it wasn't long until someone else had walked in, and the shop owner welcomed them just as he had with you. you sparred a glance from underneath your hood, and the breath caught in your throat.

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