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I looked at the short dress with disgust. Seriously? He seriously gave me this peace of cloth?

Sure, yeah it was pretty, but still for me it was too short. Every dress that I own, which is a very small amount, has to be at least long enough to cover my knees. I never normally felt comfortable in really short dresses. I felt naked.

Anyhow, I just rolled my eyes in annoyance and pulled the dress over my body. It came down my mid thigh, which for me was, again, too short, but I just ignored it.

I didn't want to test my luck.

The dress was made out of some expensive material, so I concluded that it was probably a designer one. It was all black and completely straight. It fit me perfectly and hugged all my curves, but that didn't mean I felt comfortable enough to wear it. It was definitely too revealing for my taste. It had leather short sleeves. I sighed when I looked down at myself, before I pulled on the strappy high heeled sandals, which were also black. I was surprised that everything he brought me fit perfectly. It was a bit creepy.

I was a bit stinky, cause he obviously didn't give me any opportunity for a shower, but it was fine. I wasn't that nasty so I just went with it.

I sat down on the bed waiting for him to come. Just on cue he entered the room, looking handsome as ever in a black suit with a white dress shirt. His hair was messy but it suited him. “Get up.” He said coldly, waiting for me.

I immediately stood up, but a bit too quick because I got dizzy almost falling down, but before I could actually, he grabbed me by my waist, stopping me from the fall. He looked concerned.

Well, he should be. After all he was the one who starved me to death. I stood up, dizziness passing. Yet his big hands were still around my waist holding me in place. I frowned and pushed him away.

He of course had something else in mind. Again, he grabbed me by the waist, this time much harder and without any warning he pressed his lips to mines.

As he tried kissing me I didn't respond. I didn't want to. I tried to step away, to just get away from this messed up guy, more of a man, but I couldn't. I tried to scream, but it was muffled by his mouth.

Finally, the kiss was broken. He stepped away from me, gazing into my eyes. Before he could say anything, I yelled, “How dare you?! You're a monster!!!”

“Really? No way!” He mocked me, but suddenly his face was serious, stone hard expression took over his features. He looked scary.

He approached me. Now, his body pressed against mines. I was frozen. “Scream,be disrespectful to me, cry, fucking say anything without my permission I'm going to punish you. And this time it won't be pretty. It will be much worse than a bit starving. Okay, sweetheart?”

I bit my tongue, so I wouldn't say something sassy. “Mmmhm.” I said lowly, looking at him straight in the eyes, trying to show him how pissed I am, without actually saying something 'disrespectful'.

“I did not hear you correctly.”

“Okay.” I frowned. My tone was as icy as it could get. I was definitely pissed. Even though I shouldn't, I should be very, extremely scared and what not, but I'm not. I don't know why, but I feel anger. Maybe it's because of my stubborn nature.

Before I could even process what was happening, he grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs out of that stupid basement.

Again, I was greeted with beautiful décor. Who would even say that a man like him, dark and scary, even insane could have a great taste.

We were headed for the exit from this what looked like could be a mansion.

As we got outside, I looked around, the huge cream colored house was definitely in the middle of nowhere. The huge garden, in which we were in was surrounded by a deep forest. Well, there goes my escape.

We we're now facing a beautiful black Land Rover. He shoved me in the front seat, but before he closed the door, he handcuffed me.

“Seriously?” I asked annoyed, but he ignored me with slamming the door closed.

When he entered and turned on the car, he spoke “Now, like I said I expect you to behave.”

“Oh yeah, please will you give me a cookie then? If I'd be a good doggie?” I asked, my voice full of venom indicating the obvious sarcasm.

He turned around to face me, his piercing eyes boring into me. “Don't even try to escape, because I'm going to find you. Always.” His words were definitely held with so much meaning.

I averted my gaze outside, but didn't say a single word.

The car drive was spent in silence. Deadly, tension filled silence.


We started slowing down. Stopping in front of yet another huge mansion.

While we were driving, I observed and tried to figure out where we were.

But I never ever was here before.

He took the handcuffs off, when he opened the door. Grabbing my hand again, this time intervening our finger which made my eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. But I ignored it.

We walked up to the fancy dark wooden door, and before he could press the doorbell I interrupted him, “Will you at least tell me your name?”

“What?” He asked bewildered, turning his gaze to me.

“You never told me your name. At least tell me that.” I muttered, staring at the floor.

His rough fingertips grabbed my chin, lifting it up so I could look into his green irises. “Harry, love.”


His name was actually not what I expected. I was expecting something more tough, something more dark.

I nodded, but before I could turn my head around his lips were touching my earlobe slightly making me shiver, “You look amazing in that dress, love. It compliments your ass. I cannot wait to take it off.”

His comment made me hitch a breath. I turned my head around staring again at the wooden doors. “That will never happen, Harry. Maybe in your dreams.” My voice was a bit shaky.

“Oh love, but it already happened in my dreams.” My eyes widened, “And it was amazing.”

Before I could say something back, the doors of the beautiful mansion opened. It revealed another handsome man. He had blonde hair, styled messily. He wore a simple white t- shirt which revealed his many tattoos but definitely less than Harry. He held a confident smirk. His blue eyes were looking at me then averting to Harry.

“Well, who do we have here?”

“Hello, Niall.”

A/N: Soooo, what do ya'll think about the story so far?

I think I'm gonna keep writing it since I like it. A lot. Oh and  I uploaded two chappies today so I feel pretty damn proud. :D

And like this Violet girl is CRAAAZZYY...

I'd already dry hump Harry if I was her. Like geez, who could resist him. :P Jk jk jk …

But yep, are you guys enjoying this so far? If ya are, then like comment maybe, and vote?

Because. Harry. Niall. Yeah that's that. :D

Imma go now...

Byeee, suckers. xxx

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