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I'm too hot hot damn called police and the firemen, I'm too hot hot damn make a dragon wanna retire man.

Ya'll this song just makes me wanna shake dat haha...

Hope ya'll enjoy this chappie. VOTE and COMMENT because you're awesome and hot and stuff so yeah.

okay, that's it... tomorrow is New Year's Eve and ya'll I just wanna stay at home and eat ice cream but I gotta go. kay byeeeeeeeeeeee


From the shock I stood still not reacting to the kiss what so ever, not pushing him away.

How the fuck did I get myself here?

As if i finally realized by hiw tight his grip became since I didn't kiss him back that he was yet again kissing me I finally lifted my arm and tried to pushhim away but allthhat did was just to make his grip on my arm tighten more to the point where i was sure there will be a bruise left. His lips rested on mines, not moving or anything just standing still. I could feel him smile against my lips which made me frown even more. Soon enough, his lips distanced themselves from mines as his now bright green eyes gazed into mines. His rosy pink lips made a smile that i wAs sure made girls weak at their knees. His grip on me loosened and finally he let go of me and started walking to the bedroom doors.

Before he left he turned around and smirked at me, probbly because of the state i was in-all flustered and shocked a bit. "Oh and put on some clothes and come downstairs for lunch. Be quick or i will have to dress you myself." The smirk on his face grew bit more to the point where i wanted to slap his stupid face. Before i could come up with a rude remark his skinny ass left the room.

"Perv." I muttered bitterly.

"I heard that, Violet." He yelled his voice distancin.

ugh I hate him.


As i finally put on the clothes that he gave me, I left the room. The black skinny jeans he gace me fit me perfectly so I wondered how he knew my size. The shirt he gave me was a Pink Floyd one which was a few numbers too big so I assumed it was his. To confirm my suspicions it smelled like him also.

As i walked down the hallway I looked around since the last time I ran away I put no effort in noticing the decor of the hallway. The floors were a dark wood, while the walls were a creamy beige. It gave of that homey warm feeling which was completely opposite of how someone would feel after being for a while in this house.

walking down the stairs I noticed that there weren't any pictures... Of anyone, not even his family.

Well who am I kidding, I would run the fuck away from here if I was related to that monster. When I got down I saw his stupid face. He seemed as if he was waiting for me here for awhile.


"Hey, Sweetheart. you seem pleased to see me." He chuckled while I looked at him blankly. I wanted to slap that stupid smirk off of his stupid face.

"Can you just shut up for one fucking second."After I said that I realized that I shouldn't have. My eyes immediately widened "Um, I-"

In no time Harry had me pinned up against the wall. Again. His now dark green eyes glazed furiously over my facial features, as if looking for a sign of anything. I tried to cover up the fear and all the other emotions up, but I don't think it was working. I just wanted to get the fuck away from this sick, twisted man.

"Do not ever speak to me like that!" He growled and continued his eyes darkening with every passing second, "I own you now Violet, don't forget that. You're in my house, here you'll respect me. Hell, you'll respect me for the rest of your life and that life might be very short if you keep talking to me like that. Remember baby, you're mine now one way or another. And as much as I know you like to keep this innocent act up. you and I both know that you're attracted to me. I can see it cause of the way you react to me." His voice got low.

His eyes darkened a bit more as he pressed me even harder against the wall his fingers possesively glazing over my warm skin erupting shivers all over. His lips were in no time on my neck, planting rough kissed along the skin of it.

I accidentaly moaned, loudly enough for him to hear it. I felt him smirk against my neck. In no time, his lips were away from my neck as he smirked a big giant egoistic smirk. "See sweetheart. You like me, you lust for me. Don't deny it." Then he walked away.

"You're such a stupid egoistical, self centered dick."I muttered angrily.

"Hey Violet I can hear you." I could basically hear the smirk in his voice. "Oh and you better start following me if you don't want to get lost."

"Dick." I muttered bitterly.

"Big." Harry yelled back.

I couldn't admit to myself but he was the reason of the small smile playing on my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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