❝ If you can't talk about it, write about it ❞
• Few words from the heart, deep thoughts. You'll relate so much to the next content and I hope you'll get inspired.
• Highest rank #1 on expressions and #1 on poetry { 1/1/2019} #10 on poem
• All rig...
Shewithered, like a lonelycolurfulleaffallingfrom a treein a sadautumn, andshewaited, So long forthewindtoblowand move herfromthat place. But springdoesn'tbringdeadleafsto life. Doesit?
Shecouldn't resisttheseabedwhen it was holding herdown. Shecouldfeelhertearsunder water, It's theremorse and agonythatwerechokingher, whileshewasalreadydrowning. Shecan't survive of this, cansheever?
Sheseeked no happiness, no joy. Justseeking for that feeling she's missing The feeling ofbeing okay. The feeling of no morelosing,
Seeking for helpthatshenever gets, Wishingthatpeoplemayhearherloudmiserable screams, Maybe just foronce.
Maybe just for once, someonewillcome and show her how tobreathe.
- I L H E M
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