Chapter 2 - For Forever

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Days have passed since the announcement. John and Maria congratulated the engaged couple, unsure of what they could do next. The Schuyler's father, being the loaded man he is, wanted the wedding to be as soon as possible and pulled all the strings just to get the wedding due in less than 3 months. Less than 90 days. This put even more stress on the two. Everyday they would count their last days and cry themselves to sleep. 

Alexander had been spending all of his time with his fiancée, barely spending time with his dear friends. Same with Maria and Eliza. He would occasionally go with the boys for coffee in the morning, but it wasn't the same. Every time, the wedding was brought up, John would space out, not wanting to be any more hurt than he already was. His friends noticed this and worried about him, but John would always lie. 'I'm fine. Don't worry.' But in reality, it was eating him up inside, like a tumor beneath the skin.

Maria, on the other hand, had quite a hard time suppressing her emotions. She would cry non-stop and barely leave her dorm. This worried her dorm-mate, Theodosia. Maria was always such an out-going person. It was rare to witness her in her current state. Theodosia couldn't help but wonder, 'What happened?'


It had been two weeks since the incident. Maria and John were getting better but not fully themselves yet. Alexander and Eliza were spending more time with their friends, thankfully, and Alexander had come back to his dorm, still oblivious to his soulmate's suffering. Alexander was going to stay here tonight as the girls were having a 'slumber party'. Meaning they're going to gossip and waste their money on junk food that they probably won't even eat. 

John was doodling in his sketchbook. Spilling out all of his worries on the blank pages. It wasn't long until he heard the door burst open followed by an all too familiar voice.

"Honey, I'm home!" Alex chirped. John stayed silent, responding with a slight nod. He didn't want to see Alexander's face; fearing that he would break down in front of his crush. Alex furrowed his eyebrows, confused why his room-mate was acting so different. He was always so cheerful. When did he become so gloomy? "John? Something wrong?" Alex questioned, confusion lingering in his words. John had a million thoughts circling in his head, like waves crashing against broken cliffs. Of course there's something wrong! I'm over here dying, and you don't even care! Why should I have heavy heart?! Why should I start to break in pieces? Why should I go and fall apart... For you...

John was so caught up in his thoughts, that he didn't feel the tears that were slowly streaming down his face. "John!" Alex rushed over and pulled him into a warm embrace. John pushed him away, tears still running rapidly from his eyes. 

"How could you?" John sobbed. "John I-" Alex started before being cut off by John. "Dammit, Alex. You knew I loved you... You knew how much I wanted to be yours! Yet you still break my heart!" He yelled. That's when Alex snapped, "I had to! Okay?! I'm not killing Eliza just for you! She's my soulmate, John! I was destined to be with her!" he screamed. "For goodness sake. How many times do I have to tell you, Alex! She's not your damned soulmate!" Alex grew furious. "Well then who is, huh?" John went silent. "Just what I thought. You know, you're being really selfish right now..." Was all that Alex said before going into his room and slamming the door shut, leaving John sobbing on the living room floor. 

He felt like he had been stabbed in the back, by his best friend, by his crush. It felt like a sword had pierced through his heart and torn apart his heart. Selfish. Is that really what Alex had thought of him? John ran into his room. He opened his dresser, disappointed that he didn't find his trusty razor-blade. Instead he found some of his and Alex's notes to each other, back when Alex wasn't in a relationship with Eliza. He re-read the notes while thinking back to the memories they shared.


"Come one, John! Follow me!"  Alex yells as he runs across the yellow field. "Wait for me!" John shouts back, trailing behind Alex. They laugh as they take in the view. Alex races towards the tallest tree, calling for John to follow him. There they go, wondering how the world might look from up so high. Alex climbs the tree effortlessly and smiles at John at the bottom of the trunk. John begins to scale the tree, putting one foot after the other, to one branch then to another. He climbed higher and higher. He climbs 'til the entire sun shines on his face. He eventually reaches Alex's branch and sits next to him. 

They look at the view before Alex suddenly turns around and looks down at John before saying, "There's nowhere else I'd rather be." John smiles and says, "Me too." And they just talk and take in the view. They turn back to each other and stare into each other's eyes, finding longing and love lingering in their eyes. 

Alex suddenly places his hand on top of John's, as they start to lean in. Their eyes start to flutter close as their lips begin to inch closer with every passing second. Their eyes close shut as their lips softly meet each other. They pull apart, after what feels like an eternity of bliss, and John blushes crimson. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mea-" he gets cut off by Alex's lips crashing against his own. He melts into the kiss and Alex pulls away. "It's okay, peaches." he reassures and John smiles at his new nickname. They both share a loving embrace on the branch and smile at their newly found love. "I love you, John." Alex softly says. 

"I love you too, Alex."


John smiles to himself, wiping away his tears. He walked to his bed and laid on it, snuggling in the blankets and fell into a deep slumber.

Oh, how he wished he could've relived those memories. It was a perfect summer day. All they saw was sky, for forever. They let the world pass by, for forever. It seemed like they could've gone on...

for forever...


Hey Guys! I feel like this story is going a bit fast... I need to build up tension though ( and make sure you guys physically feel the angst I have planned ). Also, I think I might make a book that links to this one, with a happy ending, because I feel bad for John and Maria. ;-; 

Anywayz... Thank you so much for reading this book! ༚┈❁┈*゚♬:*( ͡≖ ل͜ ͡≖)*゚♬:*┈❁┈༚


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