Chapter 11

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Erica ran her hand through her dark waves, pulling them up and putting a hair tie in it, leaving her curls in a messy pony tail. She sat down on the concrete of her garage and started painting a coffee table when a familiar dog came trotting into her open garage.

"Dodger, hey you pretty boy," Erica cooed putting her paintbrush down and rubbing behind his ears before kissing his head. "I think Jacky is wandering around the yard."

"He's right here!" She heard a familiar voice call while Chris rounded the corner and came into the garage with Jacky at his side. "He came over to see me and Dodge."

Erica smiled as her dog came over and licked her face, making her eyes crinkle up with a grin. Once he and Dodger wandered around the garage, sniffing everything, Erica's dark eyes went back to Chris. She couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked standing there in his sweatpants and soft grey tee shirt. His kind blue eye shone at her while he walked over and sat down on the floor across from her.

"So what are you working on today?" He asked, looking over the furniture. "Is this the coffee table you were working on before I left?"

"Yeah, it's almost done," Erica told him, dragging her brush over the wood smoothly. "A lady I work in the office with wanted me to make it. I actually have had quite a few people buy some of my refurbished furniture lately, it's kind of exciting!"

"Well it's because you're so talented," Chris was honest. "This stuff you make is gorgeous. You totally could do this like as your business."

She shrugged, "Well I don't know if I'm that good but it's a fun little side thing. But hey, tell me about LA, how did it go? How did you end up getting back early yesterday?"

Erica saw him swallow harshly before telling her, "It was fine, just kind of the usual meetings. We're going to be filming the next Avengers movie in a few months in Atlanta so it was a lot of contract stuff about that and things."

"Are you excited for filming?" She was curious.

He reached up and scratched at his beard while watching her paint, "Yeah the marvel shoots are always fun and it'll be nice to be back to work since I've been on a break for a while now. Also I like the shoots in Georgia rather than Los Angeles because it's closer to home and I can come home more."

It was so weird at times to remember what a famous person Chris was. He was a main character in Marvel movies which pretty much everyone had seen. She couldn't help but ask him, "What is Los Angeles like? Or Atlanta?"

"Have you not ever been?" Chris was surprised.

Erica laughed while she kept painting, "Remember, my uncle worked construction to support us, so as a kid, the only place I ever went was New York, and that was only ever like twice. Then as an adult, I put all my money into savings so I could buy a house so I never have really been anywhere."

"Wait, so you've never been to Disneyland OR Disney World?" He put a hand on his heart while leaning away from her, feigning his most dramatic surprised face. "But you love Disney!"

"I've always wanted to go but again, we couldn't afford big vacations as a kid and then when I grew up I didn't have anyone to go with," She shrugged.

Chris smiled widely as he told her, "Well you have me now! My family goes to Disney World every year, we always have and I go to Disneyland all the time when I'm in LA so I'm totally taking you sometime."

"If you want me to turn you down, it's not going to happen," Erica laughed.

"I don't want you to turn me down," He told her.

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