Chapter 27

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A week had passed since Erica and Chris had to leave the Disney World magic and come home to Boston along with the rest of the Evans family. As much as Erica was sad to leave, she was excited to get back to Jacky and Dodger who Uncle Dave had lovingly cared for while they were gone.

Now that they were back, she was glad to be able to spend some one on one time with her uncle and have dinner with him. Erica was eager to tell him all about the trip and he was overjoyed that she had such a wonderful time.

"So... I noticed that when you texted me and told me Chris was tweeting about your engagement and I asked you how you felt about it, you never texted me back," Dave said, leaning back in his chair and pointed a finger at her playfully. "Don't think I didn't notice that."

"We talked about it," Erica shrugged, taking a bite of her pizza. "Both Chris and his press manager thought it would be best to just announce it so we did."

"But how are you feeling about it?" He wanted to know.

She just shrugged again, "I feel fine about it."

Dave just gave her a knowing look. He watched her put her slice of pizza down before picking at her nails, a nervous habit she had ever since she was a pre-teen and instantly he knew there was more. He leaned his forearms on the table and said, "Alright squirt, start spilling."

"Spill what?" Erica pushed some of her dark bangs to the side.

"Erica, you originally refused to date this man because you were scared of what came with it and all of the fame and now suddenly you're fine? Yeah, I don't think so. Tell me how you're really feeling," He pushed her.

He saw her dark eyes gloss with tears as she was silent. Dave reached across the table and rested his hand on top of hers and urged her, "You can tell me."

"I am scared," Her voice came out barely above a whisper. "I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to handle this all. I'm scared I won't be what he needs or that I'll hold him back in some way."

"Erica, that couldn't be the farthest thing from the truth," Dave assured her. "You're an amazing woman who makes Chris better. He obviously doesn't think you're holding him back or he wouldn't be marrying you... if there is one thing I'm sure of, it's that he loves you."

She just sniffled so he decided to tell her, "Did you know he asked my permission to marry you before he proposed?"

"He did?" Erica tipped her head, not actually very surprised. "Chris is such a hopeless romantic that it's not totally surprising."

Dave smiled before revealing, "He wanted to talk to me and get my honest opinion if you could be happy with him. He loves you but he wanted to make sure that I thought that he would be good for you."

"What did you say?" She wanted to know.

".... You're engaged aren't you?" He teased, wiggling the ring on her finger. "You think I'd let some guy be around you if he was bad for you? I don't care if he is Captain America, I'm not letting my niece date some loser like I was!"

"You weren't a loser. You're the most selfless person I know... you took me in and raised me and loved me. I think that's the most selfless thing anyone could have ever done," Erica was honest as she squeezed his hands. "I love you Uncle Dave and to be honest, I think Chris is a lot like you and I love that."

"I wouldn't mind if I was as ripped as he was," Dave couldn't help but chuckle, making Erica laugh and throw a napkin at him.

"Wow, I'm trying to have a nice moment here and then you go and ruin it!" Erica joked.

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