Chapter 20

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Looking around the airport terminal, Erica's brown eyes searched for a familiar frame. She stood in baggage claim, waiting for Chris' familiar face. She waited patiently while a steady stream of people walked by and it wasn't until the entire crowd had passed that her face broke out in a huge smile as she beamed.

Walking toward her was a tall hunky frame. His navy blue NASA hat was on top of his head and a pair of sunglasses obscured his face. He wore a tight black tee shirt and one of his comfy grey sweatshirts on top. Straight leg jeans outlined his long legs and by the time her eyes had taken all of him in, she was quickly thankful that she had worn her black Nike's today because it allowed her to run on the smooth tile floor.

When she neared him, Chris dropped his backpack on the floor and held his thick arms open. She kept her promise to give him the biggest hug he'd ever have and she jumped into his arms and grabbed onto his hunky shoulders, causing him to wobble and almost fall over but he luckily caught himself before the pair toppled onto the floor.

"I missed you!" Erica buzzed, throwing her arms around his neck and squeezing him tight.

"I missed you too!" His laugh was muffled into her.

When she finally got back down on her feet, he leaned down and kissed her softly, not wanting to draw attention but needing to feel her lips against his. Erica picked up his backpack for him and put it on before linking her arm with his and asked, "So how was your flight?"

"Other than having my knees smashed up against the seat in front of me, fine," Chris chuckled, waiting for his luggage to come around.

"Well you're home now and don't have to be smooshed anymore, unless it's by me," She gave him a cheesy grin.

He spotted his suitcase and easily lifted it off the conveyor belt while telling Erica, "I'm okay with it when it's from you."

"We're going over to your mom's because she's going to make a big dinner. She said she's making your favorite!" Erica was excited to tell him as they walked out of the airport and toward the car.

Chris had his arm around Erica as they walked but once they made it to the car, he let go of her to stick his suitcase and backpack in the trunk and he responded to her by asking, "Are we going straight there?"

Erica climbed into the drivers seat while Chris got in the passenger seat and buckled their seat belts while she told him, "I was planning on it, unless you want to go home first."

"Let's go home first," He told her, reaching over the center console to rest his big warm hand on her thigh that was covered in her ripped jeans.

She smiled before starting the car and pulled out of the parking spot, "Aw, you want to go see Dodger don't you?"

Chris smirked while inched his hand up and rubbed at her inner thigh while telling her, "Well yes, but that's wasn't what I was thinking."

Before Erica could even respond to him, his hand was busy unbuttoning her jeans and tried to slip his hand in but before he could, she smacked his hand while laughing, "Chris! What the hell? I'm driving!"

Chris just laughed and wiggled his hand down farther into her jeans, making Erica wiggle in her seat while taking a hand off the wheel and pulled his hand out, putting it back in his lap and told him, "Unless you want to die from me crashing this car, keep your hands to yourself!"

He tipped his head back and let out his adorable laughter before he did as she said and kept his hands to himself for the rest of the ride home. The moment that Erica pulled into her driveway, all bets were off though. Chris quickly hopped out of the car and went over to the drivers door that he pulled open, unbuckled Erica's seatbelts and scooped her up bridal style to carry her into the house.

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