Chapter 14

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"EWWWW!" Ethan and Myles' voices echoed through the kitchen in the morning when they walked in and saw their uncle kissing Erica.

The couple pulled apart while laughing before Chris walked over to his nephews as Erica kept on cooking breakfast. The nephews were giving their uncle a look and before Chris could finish walking over to them, Myles pointed his finger at Chris and chanted, "Uncle Chris and Erica sitting in a tree!"

Ethan chimed in as they sang, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then come a baby in a baby carriage!"

Chris slapped his hand to his chest as he laughed loudly while Erica turned around and pointed her spatula at them and said, "You boys better watch out or I'm going to come over there and kiss you!"

The boys shouted with laughter before taking off running, leaving the couple alone again. Erica looked over at Chris and he gave her a sideways smile while telling her, "I wouldn't mind you coming over here to kiss me."

She put her spatula down and walked the short distance to him. Erica rubbed her small hands over his toned chest covered by a soft tee shirt. His hands held onto the curve of her hips while her hands kept working their way up to grab onto his broad shoulders and gently tug him down so that she could kiss him sweetly.

Last night, the pair had ended up falling asleep on the couch together and both were a little bit shocked when they woke up and saw the other one. Each of them kind of thought last night had been a dream but they were so happy to know it wasn't.

"I'm really glad you decided to come over last night," She told him.

"Mhmm," Chris smiled, bringing his lips down to kiss her sweetly before adding, "Me too."

The couple stood there, just holding onto each other but Chris noticed the look in Erica's eyes and said, "You look like you're thinking something."

"Hmm? No, not really," She moved her hands from his shoulders to wrap around his neck. "It's nothing important."

"It's important to me, I want to know what you're thinking," He prodded.

Erica thought about it for a moment before shrugging, "I was just kind of wondering like, I guess, what are we? Like are we dating? Or just seeing how things go? Or what?"

"To be honest..." Chris started, wrapping his arms around her waist so he could pull her slender frame against his chest. "I'll take whatever I can get."

"What if I said that I wanted us to be an official couple?" She mused.

He rubbed his hands up and down her back while giving her a lazy smile, "Then I would be ecstatic because that's what I want too. I want us to be in a committed relationship but like I said, if you're not ready for that, I'll take anything I can get, as long as I can be with you."

Erica tipped her head back and laughed, confusing Chris since it wasn't really a funny moment so he asked, "What?"

"I was just thinking, in high school, my senior superlative was 'Most likely to win the lottery and lose the ticket' but I think I have won the lottery because I get to be with you," She told him, making Chris feel like his heart was going to burst.

He buried his face in her shoulder and squeezed her tight, taking in her vanilla scent and loving the thought that he would get to do this to her all the time now. Erica wanted to stay in his arms forever but when she smelled the eggs burning, she quickly pulled away from him and went over to pull them off the burner.

Chris went and wrangled up the dogs, letting them out in the backyard before bringing the kids in to the kitchen for breakfast. Once they ate, they all laid around and watched cartoons that the kids were excited about before eventually it was time for Erica to take them home.

Chris offered to go with them so he helped the kids get buckled into his car and he drove them the short distance to his mother's house. The second they were in the driveway, they were clamoring out of the car and racing inside. By the time Erica and Chris walked in, the kids already had gathered up the entire family and were telling them all about the great night they had.

Lisa was surprised to hear that Chris had been over because she knew how awkward things had been but she was even more surprised when the pair walked in together. Hearing that the kids were all eagerly telling them the fun they had, Chris and Erika both sat down on the empty couch and listened to their story.

"Erica made us all chocolate milkshakes too and she put LOTS of whipped cream on it!" Ethan told them all.

"And then she squirted it in our mouths right from the can!" Stella giggled.

"Shhhh," Erica laughed. "You weren't supposed to tell your mom that!"

"And this morning Uncle Chris and Erica were kissing!" Myles told.

Every eye in the room instantly went to the pair. Chris just chuckled while Erica blushed and Lisa gave them a look before saying, "Oh? I wonder if that was something you weren't supposed to tell your mom either?"

"Wait, were you guys really kissing?" Shanna wanted to know.

Chris smirked before shrugging his broad shoulders, "Maybe."

"You better just tell Ma or she's going to slap you upside the head," Scotty stated matter-of-factly.

Erica decided to jump in as she slipped her hand into Chris' big warm one and held it tightly while she told the family, "Chris and I are dating now."

The entire family cheered before getting up to hug each of them tightly. They were so happy for the pair, knowing how perfect they were for each other. Carly was the last one to get to hug them both and she said, "Well I'm glad it's official now, because whether or not you guys see it, you've pretty much been dating this entire time." 

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