Chapter 26

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"Uncle Chris!" Erica sang as she walked over to the table in hotel restaurant where the entire family was having breakfast as she carried Myles on her back. "I have a delivery for you!"

Chris had been up in the room that morning when everyone came down to breakfast. He had multiple missed calls from his agent so he told Erica to go down with everyone and he'd meet them later. It had been a long time but he finally had come down and stood by the table and Erica dropped Myles into his arms, making the boy laugh.

"Ugh, this is a heavy delivery!" Chris joked, pretending to drop Myles before catching him again, making his nephew howl with laughter.

"Erica, today we're going to Hollywood Studios which is the only park you haven't been to yet and you're going to love it! There's some great roller coasters that you're going to love. We have to ride in the front together," Scott told her and she quickly agreed.

"There's an Aerosmith themed coaster you'll go crazy for," Chris told her, making her eyes go wide with excitement.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She buzzed, making the kids squeal.

Erica noticed Lisa sharing a look with her eldest son before she mouthed, "Go" to him and he nodded. She felt his hand come to rest on the small of her back while Chris spoke up to the family, "You guys go ahead, Erica and I will catch up with you at the park."

She looked at her fiance, wrinkling up her eyebrows in confusion but walked with him back to the elevators and took the short journey to their hotel room. Once they were inside, Chris sat down on the edge of the bed and ushered her to join him.

"Is everything okay?" She was worried that something had happened either to him or her next thought was Uncle Dave or the dogs.

He let out a soft sigh before scratching at his beard and then took his baseball hat off, tossing it on the bed and running his hands through his short soft brown hair, "My manager was calling to tell me that some pictures of us at Disney World got leaked to the press."

Erica still was confused and asked, "Why does that matter though? I mean you're here with your whole family... how does anyone know I'm not your sister or a cousin or something?"

Chris told her, "There's a photo of us kissing and a few others of us holding hands or hugging. They also spotted the ring on your finger so there's a bunch of speculation now."


"My agent said I should beat them to it and just announce our engagement on twitter. That will kill off the speculation and the shitty gossip stops because people know. I was hoping nobody would really recognize me here and we could have a while longer with just us knowing but obviously they did," He sighed apologetically.

Erica wouldn't lie, the thought of so many people knowing they were getting married and how many people who didn't even know her would hate her simply because she was marrying Chris terrified her. She knew being with Chris would entail this but now it was actually upon her. Up until this point she had just been in Boston with him and only their world knowing but now she was going to have to be in his world, which included press.

"What do you think we should do?" Erica softly asked.

Chris pressed his lips together, his defined jaw settling before he told her, "Honestly, I think just coming right out and announcing it will be best. Just a simple post on twitter I think will cut this off dragging out forever and all the speculation."

Erica didn't say anything. She just sat there, twisting around some of her brunette curls around her finger while staring down at her black Nike's. She was so afraid but she was marrying him and she had to get used to this.

"How do you feel about that, Er?" He reached his big hand over to rub her back over her soft black Beastie Boys tee shirt.

She wanted to tell him it scared her to death, but she didn't want to put more pressure on him than there already was so Erica stuffed her feelings down and said, "I'm fine with whatever you think."

"I really do think that is probably best," Chris arched his eyebrows. "Honestly, people will freak out, there will be some articles online, anytime I give interviews they'll ask about it and I'll just say 'we're both very happy and excited' and that will be it, I promise."

"Okay," She nodded, still staring down at her feet.

He reached out and put a hand under Erica's chin, lifting her face up so that Chris could look into her dark eyes. She looked into his honest blue eyes as he told her, "I love you Erica and I'm really happy that I'm going to marry you."

"I love you Chris," She smiled genuinely as he put his big hand on her cheek. "And I'm so happy I'm going to be married to you."

"There's never been anyone for me but you," He was honest, his voice was low and sweet.

Erica swore her heart skipped a beat and she just told him, "Get over here and kiss me."

His blue eyes squinted up in laughter before he leaned in and said, "Don't have to tell me twice."

Their lips came crashing together as the two passionately kissed and held one another tight. It didn't take long for Chris to have Erica laying on the bed as they kissed deeply. They stayed in this position for a long time until they eventually got up and headed to the park to catch up with the family.

"Hey guys, Ma told us that someone took your picture," Shanna said when they finally approached the group in the park. "We're really sorry."

"It's okay," Chris said, putting his arm around Erica's waist before telling them all, "We're going to announce it on twitter today so that there isn't all the gossip. That's what we were talking about back at the hotel."

"Judging by the hickey on Erica's neck, it looks like talking wasn't the only thing you did," Scott could help but tease, making Erica smack his hand right as he was taking a bite of his ice cream, causing it to get on his nose and made everyone laugh while he just glared at his future sister-in-law who was smiling innocently.

"When are you going to post it on twitter?" Carly curiously asked her brother.

He shrugged his broad shoulders and said, "I'm not sure. Today or tomorrow probably. We probably should take a picture... what do you think Erica?"

Before she could answer, Stella walked over and hugged onto Erica's leg. She reached down and picked Stella up while she wrapped her arms around Erica's neck and told her, "Tonight can we go see the fireworks? I wanna see them again!"

Erica turned to Chris and smiled widely, "I think I have the perfect idea for our picture." 


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