Chapter 19

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"Bonjour! Good day!" Erica sang the moment that Chris' face popped up on her screen but then let out a big yawn.

"More like good evening sleepy head," He chuckled, pushing the door to his hotel room open and walking inside, kicking his shoes off and then laying down on the bed.

"Well excuse me, it is 1 in the morning here," She retorted. "It's only 10 at night in California!"

"Well I'm an old man then because I'm completely exhausted," He chuckled, letting out his own yawn.

Erica cooed before telling him, "Why don't you go to bed, baby? We can talk tomorrow."

"No, no, I want to talk to you," He insisted, running his free hand through his dark hair before holding the phone to his wrist, showing her the watch he had on and then put the phone back to be on his face and told her, "I've worn this watch every day, I love it so much because it makes me think of you."

"Wow, you really have been in a lot of sappy rom com's haven't you? That must be where you're getting your material from," She couldn't help but tease him, making him laugh before adding, "I'm teasing babe, that's so sweet and I'm so glad that you like it."

"I love it," He smiled back at her. "So sporty spice, fill me in on what's been going on since I haven't gotten to actually talk to you for a couple days and texting isn't as good as hearing your voice."

"Well, Uncle Dave and I went to the Green Day concert last night which was AMAZING!" Her enthusiastic tone buzzed, "They played for like three hours and oh Chris, I wish you could have been there, it was like all my teenage dreams coming true!"

Erica talked on and on about the concert while Chris just happily listened. They both had missed each other like crazy the weeks they had been apart but the time spent across the country was winding to an end in a few days and they both were so excited. Thankfully there was facetiming and texting but it wasn't the same as being together.

She had gotten up to let the dogs into her room and Chris stripped down and climbed in bed. He put a hand behind his head while laying in the bed and rested the phone on his stomach so he could comfortably look at the screen. When Erica had let the dogs in and they happily climbed up on the bed, she climbed back in next to them and picked up her phone, looking at the screen as her eyes grew wide and she exclaimed, "Woah! Um when did you take your shirt off?"

"Just a second ago, I wanted to get in bed," He told her.

"I don't exactly know how to have a normal conversation when I'm staring at Captain Sexy who's shirtless," Erica laughed, but also was being serious.

Seeing her extremely toned boyfriend in all of his shirtless glory after being away from him for two weeks was enough to drive her wild. Add in his slightly messy hair, perfectly groomed beard and that illegally gorgeous smile he had made her want to melt. All Erica wanted to do was lay next to him and rub his soft chest hair before tracing his tattoos.

"Sorry, can't help it," Chris gave her a playfully nonchalant shrug. "Besides, you're the one driving me nuts with your messy curls because it makes me think of how they look after I've had my way with you."

"OOF!" Erica groaned before informing Chris, "Okay the mood just got ruined with Dodger flopping himself on me and now I can't breath."

"Dodger, ya meatball!" He laughed, slapping his hand to his chest when Erica turned the camera around so he could see the dog splayed out on top of her small frame while Jacky laid snuggled up next to her.

Erica scooted Dodger so that he was laying next to her instead of on top of her and then said to Chris, "Guess what though? I sold all of the furniture that I listed on my website and have orders for more! I turned in my notice at the office today too."

"I knew it! I told you that you were going to be a success!" He encouraged her. "Meanwhile, I lost my fantasy football game this weekend so I was not as successful."

"For as big of a football fan as you are, you really are terrible at fantasy football," She told him, making Chris playfully stick his tongue out at her.

He then quickly remembered his most exciting news and said, "Oh Erica! I was going to tell you I did have something exciting happen today! So you know how I told you that every year after Christmas, my whole family goes to Disney World? Well I bought the tickets today and it made me so excited to get them!"

Chris had talked so much about his family trip to Disney World from when he was a kid but he still looked forward to them just as much as an adult. He had been buzzing about this trip for a long time and Erica thought it was so special that the entire family all carved out time for this special trip. Erica secretly hoped that one day maybe she would be in on that family trip but she shook that thought from her mind and tried to forget about it.

"I still think it's a crime that you've never been to any Disney park. Just so you know, sometime I am going to take you, and it's not optional," Chris told her, pointing a finger at the phone.

"Don't worry, I won't opt out. I am dying to go!" Her dark eyes lit up. "But I call dibs on watching Dodger when you go after Christmas with your family and I want ten millions pictures of the trip!"

"Deal," Chris chuckled.

Both of them fell silent for a long time, just staring at each other through the screen. Erica looked into Chris' sleepy blue eyes and he admired the soft smile on her pink lips. While they both gazed at one another, Chris' slightly raspy voice gently spoke so genuinely, "God, I love you Erica."

"I love you too Chris," She told him. "More than I knew I could love someone, and the second that you get home, you're getting squeezed in the biggest hug ever."

Chris laughed, knowing that she was being serious and told her honestly, "I'm looking forward to that because that means I'll be with you again." 

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