Chapter 16

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It was hard for Chris to hide his smile and keep his mouth shut as Erica dramatically flopped on the oversized chair he had in his living room. He watched her from his spot on the couch with Jacky and Dodger on either side of him. Erica let out a loud groan and Chris bit his lip to try to keep the secret he had in.

"Okay I swear this will be the last time I say this but I'm just so insanely disappointed I couldn't get tickets to the Foo Fighters! Both Uncle Dave and I tried but they sold out so fast and why in the world are they only doing one show in Boston anyway? I mean Boston is big enough they should do two," Erica rambled.

"It really is too bad you couldn't get tickets," Chris sympathized, knowing how much she loved the band.

"It is because they don't hardly ever tour so when they do, it's impossible to get them! Uncle Dave and I went when I was in high school and it was the best show and ugh, I really wanted to go," She slumped over in the chair.

"Well..." Chris trailed off, digging his wallet out of his back pocket and pulling out a few piece of paper and holding them out to her. "It's a good thing I got tickets then."

Erica just sat there, not even registering what he said. She blinked slowly as her brain churned this over and when it finally did, she jumped to her feet and took the tickets from him. Her brown eyes studied them, not fully believing what she was holding in her hands and she gasped, "No way. Oh my god, is this for real?"

Chris laughed while he nodded, "Yep. Tonight, you, me and your Uncle Dave are going."

"Chris, these are in like the 4th row, how did you even get these?" She still was in shock.

"I pulled some strings," He shrugged his broad shoulders.

Erica kept standing there for a long moment until she let out a squeal so loud, it made the dogs lift their head to see what was going on. She flung at Chris and sat on his lap, kissing him deeply before pressing little kisses all over his face while she kept saying, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

He laughed happily, enjoying the barrage of affection but told her, "Babe, go get changed and then we'll go pick up Dave and go to the concert."

She gave him another big kiss before climbing off his lap and jumped up and down, making her curls bounce and Chris laugh. He watched with amusement as she raced out of his house squealing, hurrying over to get changed. It wasn't long until she showed up at his house in her favorite pair of black ripped jeans, Foo Fighters shirt, and a black leather jacket.

He whistled when he took in her appearance, making Erica blush before giving him a few more excited kisses before the two went to pick up her Uncle and head to the venue. Erica was buzzing the entire way, making Chris happy that he could help bring her some excitement.

When they got to the stadium Erica veered off from them and headed to the bathroom while Uncle Dave and Chris found their seats as the opening band started. When Erica made it down to their seats, she handed Chris a beer and then put a hand on his cheek and leaned up to kiss him sweetly, "Thank you for doing this for us Chris. It means so much to me."

"It makes me happy to make you happy," He was honest with her.

"You're so sweet you're going to give me a cavity!" Erica giggled while pecking at his lips a few times. "But seriously Chris, thank you."

"You're welcome," Chris kissed her cheek.

Dave patted Chris' shoulder and told him, "I'm very thankful also, but I ain't kissing you to thank you."

Chris slapped his hand to his chest and let out a loud laugh that could even be heard over the opening band. The group of three kept chatting and laughing until finally it was time for the concert to start. When the Foo Fighters came out on stage, Erica and Dave were on their feet yelling and cheering loudly.

When the band started playing their first song, Chris just turned and instead of watching the band, watched the scene playing out next to him. He smiled while seeing Erica reach over and squeeze her uncle's hand while the two shared an excited expression. Chris watched the way Erica jumped up and down while singing along to the song at the top of her lungs even though she was incredibly off key.

Chris felt mesmerized by the way her dark eyes sparkled, how her curls bounced, her wide smile but most of all, the joy that radiated out of her. Erica was just like a magnet. A sassy, hilarious, fun loving, joyful magnet. He swore it was impossible for anyone to meet her and not instantly adore her. Chris felt something so deep and so pure for her that he couldn't help but look at her and tell her, "I love you Erica."

"What?" Erica turned her head and asked, unsure what he said.

"I said I love you!" Chris smiled.

The music was so loud she shouted back to him, "I'm sorry babe, I can't hear you!"

"I LOVE YOU!" He shouted right as the song ended and the noise went down, making his proclamation much louder than it needed to be.

There was no mistaking what he said now. Erica just stood there for a long moment, not even paying attention to the next song that had started because she was too surprised by the words she was hearing from Chris for the first time.

Chris instantly regretted his words. He knew in his heart they were true, he did love her, but now he wished that he had waited to tell her somewhere romantic and make it special for her. He didn't want her to be disappointed with the unromantic moment but what Chris didn't realize is that this moment made it even more special, because she knew that he was saying it just because he felt it and that meant more to her than anything.

Erica wrapped her arms around Chris' broad shoulders and pressed herself against his firm chest while his arms came around her waist. She looked into his eyes for a long moment, smiling at him in a way that made his stomach do flops before Erica leaned in and kissed him deeply before pulling away and saying, "I love you too Chris."

Chris pulled her up against him even tighter and just relished the feeling of his love in his arms. Both of them felt so content in that moment but eventually they did pull away. Before they did, Chris snuck another little kiss and then got his mouth right next to her ear so she could hear him over the loud music and chuckled, "So I'm really glad I bought these tickets."

Her sparkling eyes looked deep into his as she beamed, "Best concert ever." 

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