Chapter 15

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The clouds had parted on the late September morning to let the sunshine come through. Erica was laying in her bed, snuggled up to Jacky as she looked out the window at the sunshine. She liked waking up early before work on days like today so she could enjoy the beautiful morning.

She rolled over and grabbed her phone off of her bedside table and saw a text waiting for her that read simply 'Morning Gorgeous 😍😘'. Even though they only had been together for a little over a week, Chris never failed to make her smile even with just a simple text.

'About to make some coffee - want some?' Erica typed out as a response.

She put her phone back down before getting out of bed and grabbing a hair tie, pulling her hair up in a pony tail and then trotting down the stairs to start a pot of coffee. While she was doing this, Jacky had come down and scratched at the back door, letting her know he needed to go to the bathroom.

"Alright boy, let's go out," Erica said, opening the back door and standing on the deck while he trotted out to the grass.

Next door, Chris had been working out when he got Erica's text so he put down his weights, slipped on some shoes and walked next door. He opened the gate of the fence that divided their yards and as he walked through, he saw Erica on her porch.

She had on an oversized grey tee shirt that came down to her thighs. Erica hadn't see him yet and had bent over to pick up one of Jacky's toys, causing her shirt to come up and show off her round behind covered in a pair of small black panties.

Chris whistled loudly, making Erica stand up at lightning pace and whip around, showing him how red her face was. He just chuckled while stepping up on to the deck and said, "Very cute panties, sporty spice."

Erica brought her hands to the curve of her hips and let one of her eyebrows raise as she sassed, "Wow, who would have guessed that Captain America was a peeping tom?"

"Well with an ass that nice, can you blame me?" Chris smirked, making Erica roll her eyes playfully before he snaked his arms around her waist and kissed her deeply.

After they parted, she pecked at his lips a few more times before Jacky came trotting back up and into the house. Erica and Chris followed him in and Chris grabbed out two mugs and put them on the counter while Erica poured their coffee.

Once the two sat down at the counter, Chris was eager to tell her, "I just got emailed the script for the new movie that I'm doing. I'm pretty excited!"

"I'm so excited to hear about it," Erica was enthusiastic for him. "When does filming start."

"Not until the beginning of next year," He went on. "Hey, what are you doing after you get off work today? We could have dinner together and I can tell you about it."

"I'd love to hear what it's about," She smiled, leaning over to kiss him softly. "After work, I have to deliver that dresser that I built for that lady but I could pick up some chinese food on my way home."

Chris smiled and rubbed his hand along the smooth skin on her thigh until he reached the edge of her tee shirt and said to her, "That sounds perfect. I didn't even realize you already finished that dresser."

"Yeah," Erica took a sip of her coffee. "I have orders for three more things so I needed to finish it."

She watched as Chris sat next to her silently. His blue eyes were deep in thought and he scratched at his dark beard before lifting his eyes up to hers and tipped his head, "Have you ever thought about starting your own business of your furniture? Like quitting your front desk job to do it?"

Erica chuckled, shaking her curly pony tail, "I don't think that I would have enough business to do it all the time."

"Look how much business you have without promoting it though, think about how much you would have if you actually put time into it," Chris said.

She sat there for a long moment, tapping her fingers on her white mug while biting at her lower lip. The wheels in Erica's brain were turning and she looked up at Chris and asked him, "Do you really think I could do that?"

"Yes, I really do," He confidently replied. "You're so talented Erica and I think you really could do it."

"I don't know, I mean that would be really amazing but it would take money to get it up and running and for me to quit my job to do it," She thought through the steps it would take."

Chris moved his hand back to rest on her warm thigh and rubbed softly while telling her, "Erica, you know that I can help you with the financial part. You don't have to worry about that. And I can post about it on twitter too."

"No," Erica was adamant. "If I decide I'm going to do this, I want to do it on my own."

Chris just nodded before giving her leg a soft squeeze, "I respect that, but you know if you need anything, you can come to me."

"Thank you Chris, that's really sweet," She was touched by his gesture. "I promise I will if I need it."

He just grinned before softly snickering, knowing her determination and stubbornness, "No you won't"

Erica smiled and repeated, "No I won't."

Chris laughed while leaning in to kiss her sweetly before the two finished their coffee. After a little while, Erica had to get ready for work so Chris went to go back to his house but before he could make it out the door, Erica called for him.

He turned around in the doorway and looked at her while she sweetly told him, "Thank you... for believing in me. You always encourage me so much."

He walked across the kitchen and put his hands on the sides of Erica's face, leaning in and pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead and then firmly smiled, "That is one thing I always want you to come to me for, because I'll always be there for you and I'll always believe in you." 

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