Chapter 33

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Chris felt like he could finally breathe now. Everything was right with the world because he had his Erica back. He could still feel the wet tears on her cheeks from when she had just been crying outside and as they kissed on her couch, his own soft tears mixed with hers.

"Chris," Erica breathed, pulling away from him enough that she could look into his weepy blue eyes. "Are you okay?"

He nodded while Erica wiped at his tears that were running down to get lost in his beard and Chris told her, "I love you so much and fighting with you was the stupidest mistake I ever made."

"Well I don't think my stubborness helped that fight," Erica laughed, so happy that her engagement ring was back on her finger. "Uncle Dave told me that's just what happens when both people are really passionate."

"I think Dave is right," Chris chuckled before she saw his blue eyes darken and his face was so close that his plump lips brushed up against hers when he spoke, "Besides, I don't think being passionate people is a bad thing... in fact I think it's very good, fighting and all."

"Oh do you think so?" Erica smirked while running her fingers through his slicked back brown hair.

"Mhmm," He hummed, moving his lips to kiss along her neck. "And I think we both need to get reacquainted after three weeks apart."

"I agree with that," Erica said while wiggling out from under him and stood up from the couch. She put her hand out and smiled, "So let's get reacquainted... hi, I'm Erica, nice to meet you."

Chris tipped his head back and let out a round of loud laughter before he stood up and came over to her, his hunky body towering over hers as he smirked down at her, "That wasn't what I was thinking."

"Oh, it wasn't?" She kept teasing him while playing with the buttons on his blue henley, pulling them open at the top so she could see a little peep of his chest hair and his collar bone tattoo that she loved to trace. Erica bit her bottom lip before looking up from under her dark eyelashes, "Maybe you should just show me what you were thinking then."

In one swift move, Chris scooped Erica up in his muscular arms and carried her up to her bedroom, closing the door behind him with his foot so Jacky wouldn't come wandering in. He gently tossed her on the bed, making Erica laugh while Chris kicked off his shoes and wiggled out of his tee shirt and jeans on the way to the bed.

Erica's breathing spiked when she saw his toned body in just a pair of his tight boxer briefs that showed him off so well. When Chris made it to the bed, he swung a leg over her and straddled her hips and hovered over her.

Chris' blue eyes were full of love as he gazed down at her, those curls splayed out around her and a wide smile on her lips. He studied every feature on her before he gently cupped her cheek with his hand and breathed, "God, I missed you. I love you so much... I didn't even know I could love someone this much."

Tears glossed Erica's eyes as she laughed, "Chris! Don't make me cry again! I've been crying enough today."

He giggled adorably before leaning down to kiss her sweetly before he muttered, "I like you crying this way though, because now you're crying because you're happy."

Erica rubbed her slender hands along his smooth back as he kissed her neck and she happily sighed, "I love you Chris."

"I love you, I love you so much Erica," He breathed against her neck.

Chris parted his lips from her skin and pulled her shirt up over her head and then pulled open the button on her jeans. He got up from the bed and stood at the end of it, grabbing the hem of the denim and slide them off her legs. Erica sat up and undid her bra, tossing it on the floor while Chris slipped out of his boxers and added them to the pile.

It didn't matter how many times she saw him completely naked... it always got her. Erica felt her body getting hot as she looked at that chiseled jaw, his broad shoulders and that toned chest. Her eyes then went down to his narrow hips that only emphasized his fully hard manhood. She dramatically flopped backwards on the bed while letting out a happy sigh which only boosted Chris' ego in a good way.

"C'mere baby," His voice was low while he pulled her to sit up.

Chris sat down on the bed and pulled Erica into his lap so that her back was up against his firm hairy chest. He lifted her hips up enough to slip her panties off and she gasped when she felt his excitement pressed up against her and she rested her head back on his shoulder.

"What were you leaving on my doorstep earlier?" Chris couldn't help but wonder while he kissed at her neck and his hands came to hold her breasts in his hands while he squeezed at them.

"It was just... ohhh," Erica sighed, feeling him pinch at her nipples. "Just some stuff of yours I was returning but I'm glad I'm keeping it all now... I really like that Patriots shirt, it's so comfy."

"I like it better on you," Chris kissed his way up to nibble at her ear while one of his big hands ran down her body to slip in-between her legs and part them enough in his lap so that he could rub a finger along her slit which made him shiver, "Baby, you're fucking soaked."

Erica brought a hand back to grab the back of his neck while her other came to rest over his hand and push it tighter against her hot center, "Well what do you expect now that I'm back together with my fiance?"

Chris stopped his kissing so that he could rest his bearded chin on her smooth shoulder so he could look at the beautiful smile she had on her face. In that moment, he felt like his heart melted. The two of them stopped all their movements and just stared into one another's eyes, communicating so much more than words ever could.

"Chris," She breathed. "I need you right now."

Chris's blue eyes squinted up as he let out a loud laugh and told her, "I'm SO glad you said that because I don't think I would have made it much longer and we haven't even done anything yet! I just missed you so damn much and I feel like my heart is going to explode from how much I love you."

Erica couldn't even push out any words through her heavy breathing. She panted as Chris flipped her around to lay on her back while he laid his body on top of her, careful to keep most of his weight on his knees so he wouldn't squish her. Chris wrapped his muscular arms around her slender body and Erica's wrapped around his waist. The two of them held each other so close that their chests were pressed together tightly while Chris gently entered her.

Both of them let out a loud moan from the feeling and they each squeezed each other tighter as Chris started rocking his hips back and forth. As he heard Erica call his name and let out her sweet moans, he felt himself twitch inside her velvety walls. It didn't take very long at all for both of them to reach their peaks and Chris stayed inside her until they each had ridden out their waves.

Once they came down from their high, Chris collapsed next to Erica in the comfy bed. He pulled her tight up against his chest and stroked her hair while kissing her forehead. Erica let out happy sighs while tracing the tattoos on his chest while they enjoyed finally being together once again where they belonged.

"Just so you know, I'm not letting you leave this bed for the rest of the day," Chris chuckled, bringing his hand to rest on her round behind and scooted her closer. "I'm not done with you yet, not by a long shot."

Erica just laughed before smiling up at him, "Well that's good, because I was about to tell you the same thing." 

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