Chapter 21

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A smile spread across Erica's lips as she woke up groggily in the morning. Her eyes stayed closed while she laid in Chris' bed but smirked when she felt something pressing between her legs and rubbing over her panties. It wasn't the first time Chris had woken her up this way and she ran a hand through her messy curls while trying to wake up.

"Chris, what are you doing?" She giggled, feeling the pressure increase and keep bumping her.

"Hmm? What?" Erica heard his groggy voice mumble.

Erica finally was able to open her dark eyes and looked down. She didn't have any blankets on her, since somehow Chris always managed to steal them during the night and Dodger had hopped up on the bed and was bumping his nose between her legs, making Erica laugh.

Hearing her laugh caused Chris to finally wake up and when he rolled over, and saw what was happening, he gently pushed the dog back and said, "Dodger! Bud, that's my job to be in there, not yours!"

His comment made Erica laugh before reaching over to slap his bare chest and tell him, "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"Oh I'm ridiculous?" Chris said, snaking his arm around Erica's waist and pulling her tight against his bare chest. "This is coming from the 35 year old who does lip sync battles with her 56 year old uncle!"

"Okay, well you always have Dodger sing along with his stuffed lion and always declare that he's the winner so..." Erica trailed off, making him laugh before he kissed her cheek.

Erica rolled over in his arms so that she was facing him as they snuggled in his bed. Chris reached up to run one of his big hands through her messy hair before letting it rest on her cheek while he smiled, "Happy Thanksgiving sweetheart. I'm so glad to be spending this Thanksgiving with you, because you're what I'm most thankful for."

"You can't make me cry before I even get out of bed, that's not fair ya meatball!" Erica joked while wiping at her tears, that being the first time she cried that day.

"I mean it Erica," His normal jovial tone was missing and replaced with seriousness.

"I know you do," She kissed his lips sweetly. "That's why it makes me cry."

"I love you sporty spice," Chris' sincere blue eyes gazed into hers.

"I love you too you giant adorable dork," She giggled.

The two laid there for a long time, cuddling together and swapping kisses until it was finally time to get up. As much as they wanted to stay in bed with each other, they both were excited for the day and Chris took a shower while Erica got to baking the pie she was in charge of bringing for dessert. Once that was in the oven, she walked next door to her own home and got dressed and ready.

When she walked back into Chris' house, she found him in the kitchen feeding the dogs and she dramatically entered the room exclaiming, "Ta-da!"

"What's ta-da?" Chris was confused.

"I'm not wearing ripped jeans, sneakers, OR a band tee shirt!" She was proud of herself. "Look, I have my nice black jeans on, a white sweater and I even fully styled my hair and got my bangs to lay right!"

He couldn't help but chuckle before standing up and walking over to put his hands on her hips and lean down to kiss her deeply, "You look gorgeous babe. Although I like your sweatpants and your band shirts."

"Awwww," She cooed. "And I like you shirtless."

Hearing her quick response made him bust out in laughter while she added, "I'm kidding... okay well sort of. But you look super cute in this black sweater, very cozy."

"Well you know that after we're in food comas later, there will for sure be some snuggling on the couch in the living room at Ma's house," Chris told her while she walked over to take the pie out of the oven.

"I like the way you think, Evans," Erica grinned.

The two let the pie cool for a little while before they got the dogs in the car and picked up Uncle Dave on their way to Lisa's house. When Chris had originally invited Erica to the family Thanksgiving, his invitation of course applied to Uncle Dave as well. With his lighthearted and fun nature, Dave fit in perfectly with the Evans and they already had all enjoyed lots of good times together and both Erica and Chris hoped there would be many more of them.

The moment they walked into Lisa's house, they were bombarded by tons of hugs and excited loud chatter. The kids quickly got to tackling Chris while Scott got into an excited conversation with Dave about 80's music and Shanna helped to encourage the kids to jump on Chris. Erica followed Carly and Lisa into the kitchen where she put her pie down on the counter and then asked what she could help with.

Lisa put her to work stirring the mashed potatoes while the three chatted until they were interrupted by Chris running into the kitchen with the kids all chasing him. Erica kneeled down and stopped the kids from running, gathering them up while Chris stood nearby with his hands on his knees.

"Guys, you shouldn't be chasing Uncle Chris," She told them. "He's an old man, so take it easy on him."

Both Carly and Lisa cracked up while Chris just playfully glared at her and the kids taunted him about being old. Erica kissed each of their cheeks before telling them, "Now go jump on him and tickle his feet, that's where he's most ticklish!"

The kids all giggled while they took off after him and Chris went running back out of the kitchen. Once he was gone, Carly shook her head and told Erica, "You're so good for him Erica, he needs someone who can bust his chops."

"Well I'm pretty sure my Uncle Dave would say the same about me," She laughed, stirring the milk into the potatoes.

"She's right though Erica, you're perfect for Chris," Lisa walked over, putting her hand on Erica's back. "I've never seen him love someone the way he loves you and it makes me so happy to see how much you love him."

Erica got tears in her eyes before she looked into Lisa's eyes and told her, "I love him so much, and I'm so thankful to know that he loves me back."

Lisa hugged her tight while adding, "And just so you know, if anything we're to happen and you guys don't work out, I'm keeping you because I love you!"

"Me too!" Carly added, coming over to join in their hug.

Now it was Erica's second time to cry that day and it didn't get any better once they all were sitting down at the dinner table. Lisa had suggested that they all go around and say what they were thankful for and after Uncle Dave went it was Erica's turn.

"Well I'm very thankful as I am every year for my Uncle Dave and all that he's been in my life, I'm thankful for having a beautiful home I get to live in with Jacky, and this year I'm very thankful for you all who have really treated me like family from the first time that I met you all. I've truly fallen in love with every single one of you and I'm just so thankful I get to be sitting here with you all," She told them genuinely and then joked, "And I guess I should say something about Chris too."

"Love you too babe," Chris sarcastically responded.

She just laughed before saying, "I'm kidding! I think we all know I'm thankful that I moved in next to this goober because he's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Chris looked at her and gave her a smile that she swore was going to turn her into a puddle but if that didn't put her over the edge enough, he opened his mouth and started talking, "I'm of course thankful for a job I love, a family who are the most supportive people in the world. New this year though I'm very thankful for you, Dave. I'm so thankful for all the sacrifices you've made for Erica and for how much you love her but I'm so glad that I've gotten to have you in my life. I just love being with you and I can't wait for more times together. And then last but not least, my Erica... you've turned my life upside down and I've loved every second of it. I could go on forever about you but I'm going to put it simply.... I adore you and I couldn't be more thankful for you."

And there was the third time that Erica cried that day simply because she was so happy, so thankful, and so in love. 

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