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3rd Person POV

(Y/n) walked along the busy streets with her hoodie covering her tear stained face. She felt used, toyed and she also felt pathetic that she actually thought she could have a loving relationship with Leo.

It was all a lie. She was trapped in a lie.

Frustated, she led out a groan as she kicked a random stone on the streets.

An idea suddenly popped into her mind.

She turned back and head to the abandonned building, which Jimin took her there when she was feeling down.

Once she had reached the building, she went to the rooftop and inhaled the fresh air on it.

She felt more relieved than earlier, what kind of sorcery-

A smile crept up to her face when she thought of her and Jimin finally making up and becoming friends.

She sat at the edge of the rooftop and stared at the sky,

'Trust' is such a puny word, huh?

None of that exists in her book, not anymore.

She sighs before hugging her knees, as a sudden noise made her jump.

"(Y/n)?" A familliar voice made her avert her attention to the voice, it was Jimin.

Her eyes lit up when she saw him as she stood up and walked towards him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"For some fresh air, what about you?" He asked me with a big smile.

"Same reason." She muttered back.

"You look like you just cried, are you okay?" He noticed her tear stained face as she looked up, meeting his eyes.

"C-can I be honest? No, I'm not okay, at all." She said, tears started to flow out from her eyes as her words got choked by her tears.

Why was she opening up to him? Didn't she say she couldn't trust anyone anymore?

"Hey hey, don't cry, what happened..?" His voice started to become slightly shaky, he felt worried and broken to see his friend like this.

"L-Leo cheated on me.." She said softly as he bit his lip.

"That bastard- Hey, he isn't worth your tears, everything is going to be alright, okay?" He said in a reassuring tone as she looked at him.

Surprisingly, she opened up her arms and hugged Jimin. She just needed someone to hug, to warm up her broken state.

He felt taken aback by her action, but he knew that she felt heartbroken as he wrapped his arms around her, embracing her into his arms.

She started to break down in tears as he kept comforting her, not breaking the hug at all.

"Jimin... Thank you for being here, I mean it." She said through her tears, as he just led out a smile.

"I'll be everywhere whenever you need me." He responded as none of them broke the hug.

The Baddest ( Jimin x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now