4. Fear

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"So you work at BigHit Entertainment?!"

I slap Jiyeon's arm and hush her to be quiet, some of the crowds in the café gave us a watch and I bloat my cheeks looking down. Embarrassed.

"When?" She whispers,

"Since yesterday, and in this evening, too." I mumbled, scanning the now not looking crowds.

"No way! You said you didn't make it." She starts yelling again and I roll my eyes, irritated. I grab my iced chocolate drink and suck it from the straw. We are now in a café near campus doing our work when I suddenly mentioned that I met Jungkook. Which obviously made her choked.

"I was just testing." I shrugged.

Jiyeon's eyes widened after the café door chimes. "Holy sheez." I turn half of my body to follow her gazing, a good looking, tall man with light brown hair entered, tailed by another man behind.

"What?" I ask bluntly, eyes still on the men.

She hold my arm and I snap my head to her, "it's Do Gijun." Jiyeon said barely above whisper, I scrunch my brows, giving her a look. "Don't you know him? He's the most popular guy in art major. Oh, if you see him act, I bet you'll fall in love just in a few second."

"Nah, I'm too busy for fangirling."

- - - -

Soft knocks echoes through the room, I swing my head and furrow my eyebrows. Who would be here in this hour?

The time shows 7:30 and I make my way to the door. Turning the knob open and surprised to see nothing behind it. Peeking outside, goose bumps covers my body as the corridor filled with darkness.

I gulped, "H-hello?"

Is this building haunted?

Shaking off the thought, I quickly close the door and quicken my work. Just wiping the wide mirrors clean, and I'm done.

I glance one more time at my watch and grab the equipment to quit the room. It's 8 o'clock already, and I need to get out from here before weird things coming out again.

Just as I spin my body to reach the door knob, darkness filled the room and I freeze. Mom.

My breath quickened and eyes trailing to nowhere. It's black pitch, the air conditioner died, no sound was heard and I felt my legs wobbled.

Please, don't let any sound out right now.

I slowly drag my feet forward as I pull the equipment trolley. My free hand gesturing infront of me, waiting for my eyes adjusting to the dark.

Again, soft knocks is heard and stops my way. My fear of ghosts lowering down as my fear of killers gone high. What if I go open the door a knife will make it way to my stomach?

As my eyes adjusted, I spot the door and it's two metres away. My vision blurs, brain fills with fog after the soft knocks gone audible again.

I let down the trolley and cover my mouth, preventing it to let out a sob. It took me a second before I realize that my legs shaking hard and my tears flowing down to my cheeks.

A loud thump against the floor jump me and I scream. Covering my ears. I know this is stupid but I was too scared. My heart beats rapidly as I watch the door knob turned.

Quickly I hide behind the trolley and cover my mouth and nose with trembling hands. Peeking through a small space to see the frightening thing.

As soon as a figure come in, the lights turned on and I widen my eyes in surprise. A man with holding back a smile appears in my eyes. He knows exactly where I am and explode a loud laugh.

I feel my face as it burn. "What the hell!" I stand up, my chest rising and falling as I tried to control my anger.

He stops laughing before then falls to the ground, balling as he holds his stomach. Probably aching for laughing so hard.

I wipe my wet cheeks harshly, how is this funny? I almost had my soul out just now.

"Look at that face!" Jungkook exclaims before continuing his laughter, my anger drown with embarrassment and I bloat my cheeks while throwing away my gaze at everything but him.

I heard silence, blowing out the air from my cheeks, I look at him with a small smirk on his face. "What?" I snap.

"What?" He mirrored me. I want to say something but take it back as running steps stops infront of the door.

"Is everything alright? I heard a scream." Seokjin puffs, he scanned the room and me and jungkook. Which make Jungkook laugh again.

"Jungkook, it is not funny!" I finally let out my anger with my eyes closed tight.

I hear him stops and I opened my eyes to see Seokjin clutching Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook suddenly lower his head, whispering an apology.

Like, wow. Seokjin's power.

"Louder, Jungkook-ah." He said in monotone.

"Nomu mianhae." I widen my eyes in amusement. The Jeon Jungkook just apologized.

To me.

I let a soft chuckle and smile at Seokjin. My eyes trails to Jungkook who is now in red, glaring at me.

My smile falls and look at him, simply confused. What did I do wrong?--

"You okay?" Seokjin asks and I nods.

As I feel Jungkook eyes still on me, I bring my wrist up to see the time and I clear my throat. "It's very nice meeting you but I have to go." I said truthfully.

"Yeah we're actually going home too, but this stubborn went missing so I have to look for him." Seokjin gave him a warning look and I laughed. Thanking him for showing up and had Jungkook apologizing.

But Jungkooki n the other hand, had his jaw tighten while staring to the mirror. I followed his gaze and I gulp. It's my reflection.

"W-well then, good night." I bow and made a quick move to leave them.

"Wait!" I spin around after the door frame and met SeokJin's sparkling eyes, "what's your name, again?"

"Imran Nana," I smiled.

"Do you know what makes the moon so pale?" He asked, putting his index and thumb on his chin with eyes looking up.

I hummed, "what is it?"

"Atmos-fear." He gaze down on me, failing to keep his laugh inside. Blowing me an infectious laugh.

We slowened down and he mirrors my smile and say something I would remember to my sleep, "Have a good night, Nana-ya."

He just called me my nickname!


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