18. Arrested

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"But we don't have any proves. We need a plan." I tell in my lowest voice, Taehyung who's still frozen on spot, eyes gazing at mine but unsure if it's full or empty.

The lad we saw just now freely stroll towards Nana's guarded room, I turn my body to see him being stopped by the guards- only one guest at a time, I guess.

"I got it," Taehyung suddenly says, making me turn my body back at him and watch him talk in focus, noting the hesitant in his eyes at the first attempt to talk. "Just tell me, hyung."

He gives me a quick nod, then looks into my eyes as sharp, "You seem to be the motive, so let's put a bait to make him crazier- that he'd try to harm Nana more. We'll hide outside the door, while the cameras are watching every movements." He explains, plopping a guilt in me until I try to ignore it and focus on his plan.

Taehyung tells me how and what to do, his voice is stern and serious, making me forget how goofy he usually is. I have to admit- this side of his does look scary to me.

"Okay, you know what to do, let's go."

Pacing towards the room, we then quickly pull down our masks for a second for the guards to check and go inside, before I hear the guy complains, "Ya- ya, how can they go inside and I can't?!"

The big men was going to say something when I put a hand to stop him, then tilting my head a bit up to the side, giving him an arrogant look and I say, "Maybe... Because we're the special ones to our Nana?"

"Our Nana," he scoffs and chuckles, then waving his hands gesturing us to go, "yeah, yeah just go. Not like I care."

"Right, c'mon Jungkook-ah." Taehyung says a bit over loudly for him to hear as we turn around and enter the room.

OK. That's one plan done. I don't know for sure, but I have a good feeling about this.

Inside, a clear sound of someone's crying rings in my ears, which  I assume it is Jiyeon and I slower my steps, signaling Taehyung to do the same. We stand by the wall behind her, unnotice by Nana as we listen to their conversation. "I should've come earlier, I-I was going to, but, but I had to sit back and stayed with Daehan oppa- I- I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault-"

"It is!"

Nana sighs, "Okay, it is then." She gives up, which then follows by a louder cry from Jiyeon. She simply caresses Jiyeon's head which is laying on the bed above her  other hand.

"Otteohkaji? I can't stand seeing you suffer which is my fault in the first place! Please tell me what to do... Tell me, Nana-ya!" She continues to cry, creating a pang of hurt in my chest. The girl thought it's her fault while it's mine. It's clearly mine. The culprit is my sasaeng after all.

"It's not your fault." I'm surprised the voice comes out from my throat unwillingly, but I quickly continue as I walk in to reveal myself, pulling down my mask and smile half-hearted to her. "It's one of the ARMY, which I hate to call, and he did it because of me, the fanatic fan had to do it because he's obsessed to me. Which means... it's my fault."

"Wo-woah, wait-" She turns her head to Nana and then back at me, "-Jungkook oppa?"

"Yes. And I'm sincerely sorry for the mess I've created. I promise I'll fix it."

"You said something like that last time." Nana mumbles, audible enough that I smile sheepishly, drawing my eyes down to the tiles.

"I know the culprit, this time. So-"

"You know the culprit?!" Both of the women voices echoing in the room, pulling my attention to see them wide-eyed at me.

"And Jiyeon-ssi, I'm very sorry to say this but... your boyfriend is going to get arrested."

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