16. Attacked

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It's the third day in the hospital and now I can sit up. The wound was incredibly wide and I have to have a long day in the hospital to heal.

As I was leaning on the bed frame, I stare at my left hand which is injected to the liquid. What if Taehyung didn't come that night? What if the sasaeng stabbed me by my chest? What if the door was locked when Taehyung came?

The negative thoughts are interrupted by an opening door and I whips my head towards it. revealing a hansome man that has been visiting me everyday. His right hand holding a plastic bag filled with hot, fried chickens-I'm guessing-as I asked him to buy them.

His coat is navy blue, buttoned down, wearing a green knitted sweater inside. With wearing a matching black jeans and mask, he really hit that models on the magazines on their head.

It's just a simple clothing, but he looks gorgeous.

I wonder what would I look like with simple clothing on...

"Annyeong~" he sings with his uniquely deep voice and closes the door behind him.

"You took your time, oppa, I'm starving." I whine and he chuckles, stepping towards me with his hand reaches out.

I stiff at his touch on my covered head, "At least I'm here, you don't want to eat hospital food, do you?" He says after patting me, as if I'm some kind of a child.

"Let's eat!" To cover up my awkwardness, I snap the plastic bag from his hand and take out the box. "Oh, you're eating with me?" I asks as I spot two boxes.

"Yeah, I want to try halal food." He giggles and I smile at that. It's warming inside me.

The time passes and we have only a little bit more of the fried chickens in our boxes-- well, actually I have only a little bit more, Taehyung himself had already leaning on the sofa with his arms stretches out.

"It's so good. I'm full~" he groans and I chuckles, "You should've stop before you're full."

"Hm? Why is that?"

"Our prophet says so, and also that it's not good for your health. You'll get lazy and sleepy." I tell him, staring back at his eyes that shows full of attention towards me.

"It's.. True. I'm sleepy already." He says with his eyes now rolling up to the corners, considering something. "Oh, anyway, haven't you told your family about this?" He questions.

"Um, no."


I sigh, "My mom would get sick thinking about me. Last time my sister got a fever and my mom lost her appetite."

"You have such a nice mom." He murmurs and I smile weakly. Yes, she is. And now I miss her...

A soft buzzing sound suddenly drags our attention to a thin, rectangular device on the hospital bed stand. "Oh, PD-nim-- I'll come back later, Naa-ya."

I answer him with a 'k' and he makes his way to the door, leaving me alone with half-way hot, fried chickens to finish. Shrugging, I begin to eat again.

Though two minutes after, the door creaks open and I shoves away the empty boxes after wiping my hands clean. There by the door stood a man dressed in white, except for his mask.

I can't make it out by his posture but then my eyes travels to his dark brown ones. The man makes his way in and closes the door behind him with a click. With not be able to do anything, panics attacks me in like a gust of wind.

"How are you?" His low voice sounds fake in amusement, "I thought you'd be dead but guess I'm wrong."

And with that, I gasp and starts to clench on the quilt. It's the sasaeng.

He smiles. Yes that eyes. I see it again.

And I thought I won't ever again.

"But that won't be for long."

Suddenly his big hands grab my pillow behind me and push my back to lie on the bed. I yelp, as the urge of shouting for help got the inside of me, the man lifts up the pillow for a second before it zooms towards my face.

The air around me slowly decreasing and I try to open my mouth to shout. But all I hear is mumbling. The man press himself onto the pillow above my face and I struggle hard, ignoring the pain both from my abdomen and my face bones.

My lungs starts to burn and use my last strength to push the pillow away from my face- but of course its a fail.

I start to panick as my head becomes heavier, chest got tighter and my body starting to numb. As the time ticks, all of my breath's gone, shutting me into a deep darkness.


The hospital is busy like usual, nurses walking in traffic and there would be some children running in and out the corridor.

Taehyung turns in the corner and shoves his phone back into his pocket after a long conversation with his boss. His eyes spots Nana's room and he sighs a weak smile, remembering how bad could human do when they're negatively obsessed with something. Walking down to reach the door, he stops abruptly and lets out a small gasp under his blue mask.

A man in a white jacket, opened the door in hurry and turns to the opposite side from Taehyung. Shoving his hands into his jacket pocket and walks away, hanging his head low. Taehyung arch his eyebrows inwards, finding the man odd.

Maybe Nana's friend?

Shrugging off the thought, he puts his hand on the doorknob and turns it open. Letting himself in and closes the door behind him, he says, "Nana-ya, who-" his eyes grows wider as he gone pale, infront of him lies a girl sleeping with open arms. Her mouth slightly opened.

"Na- Na... Sheez!" He stutters and stomps, before turning to open the door behind him.

The corridor filled with squeaking sounds of the from rubber his shoes as she stops running to get a scan in the room near the lifts, but the mentioned man is nowhere to be found. Taehyung turns his body in panic, looking for anyone to pass by as he forgot to beep the emergency alarm in Nana's room.

To his luck, a nurse shows up and Taehyung rushes to her. "Quick!" He half-shouts, making the nurse widens her eyes in shock, "Room J-20 is- is- I don't know! Just go fucking help!" He shouts as the panics got all over him, forgetting the manner to ask for help.

The nurse nods her head, still in shock, and rushes to the said room, slightly running as she knew it wouldn't be a small case.

The patient infront of her even shock her more than she had been. She quickly dials the doctor through the beeper, while Taehyung slides himself to the side of Nana's bed.

"Naa-ya, wake up!" He shakes the girl's arm and his voice weakens, "Yah! Imran Nana! Wake up..." He can't hold it in any longer, forget the nurse infront of him breaks down on the floor with his knees.

"H-help her.. Please..." He begs as tears flowing out from his eyes. Taking Nana's hand in his, he kisses it softly as he cries, "it's my fault again.." He mumbles and cries harder.

The doctor and his nurse then enters the room. They soon check Nana up and push the ward outside the room. "It haven't been to long. Move!" The doctor commands his nurses and quickly run the ward to emergency room.

Taehyung, still in the now empty room, kneeled down on the floor and wipes his tears away. Hiccups then fills in the silent room.

God, any God.. Help her. Nana's God, help her, please.. She's a good person...


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