13. Rumor

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"Oh, Imran Nana, did you eat?" The middle-aged woman asks as she pull her hair into a low, tight bow.

"Ne, how about you?" Nana smiles as she bows a bit. Then getting a good response from her colleague, she excuses herself to change into the uniform.

Strolling with the cleaning equipment, a part of her brain suddenly flashes a scene where a blushed face looking at her yesterday's night.

It was a beautiful face to her, an expression which never had come into her mind. Never in her life, expecting a handsome face like Jungkook's confess to her.

Turning to her left, a wide glass from the window brings a great amount of orange light into the corridor, leaving a shadow of printed stickers of letters from the glass on the floor.


Not good, what if the manager found out about this? The girl sure had been warned about having a thing with one of the artists, and she doesn't want that to give a side effect to her job. That's very unprofessional...

"Ya, watch where you're going!" A voice jumps Nana back on Earth. She quickly adverts her vision to a man on the side of the corridor.

Looking at him in a light frown, she realizes that the man hisses and points to her feet.

"Oh!" She gasps as she spots a paper under her right foot. in a quick move, she steps back and bends down to pick the paper up.

Nana scans the paper that printed with lines of. . .lyrics, she assumes. "I'm very sorry."

Bowing, she hears the man twitching his mouth. "Bitch,"

Tilting her head up, she asks him confusingly, "Excuse me?"

"Ani, a bitch just step on my paper. Now I have to get a new one." And with that, he leaves Nana in her bow.

"Jimin-ssi, I think I need some explanations about this." Nana frowns fully, but before the man could turn and answer, a rush of air pasts Nana like a flash, and another tall man pull Jimin into his arm.

"Ya, let's not make a fuss here." Turning around, Hoseok smiles thinly with a small bow, "I'm sorry, Jimin must be in his period."

With a little sting on her chest, she closes her parted mouth, not believing what she just heard. A bitch? She recalls, then letting out a scoff, she pulls her cleaning equipment with a force.

<<THREE HOURS AGO•*.  : °. •* .  : ° . •* 🕑

It's another day at school and Nana sits on the bench to eat her lunch with Jiyeon --who seems a bit late today.

Scanning around the campus area, she founds everyone stealing glances at her, then a man walking towards her from the West. He looks familiar, she thoughts as she waits for the man to stand near the table.

"Uh, hello," the man bows a bit as soon as he arrives. Scratching his nape, he wonders around his eyes anywhere but Nana as he smiles slightly.

"Hello, anything I can help?" Nana asks politely and waits for the man to calm himself.

He looks down on the table, switching weight from his right foot to his left. Then huffing his cheeks, he let out a sigh.

"C-can I sit here? I mean, I mean, I don't have anymore tables so..." He stutters and slowly dragging his eyes to meet Nana.

The girl scans around, it's true that there's no more seats but, why her? There are men sitting alone--

"Well it's okay if--"

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