19. Reality

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A week had passed.

And oh, God, it still feels like it happened yesterday.

I got discharged a day after Do Gijun being carried away by the police officer. My days in South Korea has been like a rainbow after the rain since then.

Like when Taehyung suddenly goes all overprotective to me, I cannot do this, cannot go there, and cannot say this.

And Jungkook goes all silence, smiling when we met (which is only yesterday) and just that.

It might sounds bad, but it's good for me.

I like it this way.

And about the doorbell ringing without knowing who behind it while I'm home alone, I'd be lying if I say I'm not traumatized.

Which is happening right now, where the bell already rang once and ringing for the second time.
My heart races as my breath becomes faster than before, hands shaking on top of my thighs. I stare widely at the cream door, questioning who might be outside.

I know there won't be anyone who tries to kill me anymore, but the fear inside me still acting up.

Relax Nana, relax...

Suddenly my phone buzzez and I reach towards it that's been lying down on the armrest. The screen flashes a text box with a familiar name on it.

The most handsome Oppa

The name did lax me a little, remembering how Taehyung stole my phone three days ago and changed his name on my contact lists.

"It's me at the door, quick open it!"

Oh. You scared me.

Quickly as possible, my once weakened legs shoot up and run towards my bedroom to grab a scarf. Then run back to the front door to see a tall man in his all well-covered attire.

His eyes squinting in a smile and I let him in, ignoring the fact that Jiyeon isn't home and we're the only ones in the room.

I trust him.

"Want some tea?" I ask him, rubbing my surprisingly wet palms on my sweater.

After I close the door and hears a regular beeping sound, Taehyung turns around and pulls down his black mask.

He rolls his eyes to the upper corner as he thinks about my question, "Hmm..." Then makes his eyes towards mine, "You have sodas?"

Clicking my tongue, I chuckle and nods, shooing him to go into the small living room. "Go sit, I'll find something to eat as well."

After a while, I finally sit to the opposite of him and take a chip to chew as I ask, "what brings you here?"

The once relaxed Taehyung now is clearing his throat, straightens up his back with a stiff face. "Um, there's... There's something I, uh, wanted to s-say..."

He trails off.


"Is something wrong, oppa? "

"No!" He quickly shakes his head, "I-I just wanted to say- no, ask something, that's all.. Um," he stutters again, but this time a faint of pinkish tint showing out on his defined cheeks.

I take another chip and shove it into my mouth, trying to tell him to relax by my motion. But he's still stiff. "Go on, I won't bite."

"I prefer you bite, though."

"What?" I squeak. Didn't know that would sound suggestive.

"N-no. Just joking." This time I can see his cheeks turn crimson, that spreads to his whole face.

Aw, cute.

"So.... Oh God, how do I start?" He asks himself and I laugh a little, finding how cute he is right now. Recording to the dramas, this is how the male lead trying to confess his feeling--


"Okay," he exhales, "So I've been thinking about this millions time. And I've talked about it with my parents, too." He finally says, resting his face calm, eyes making their way into mine. Which is.. Kind of nerve-racking.

"That sounds serious." I comment, taking a sip of my orange soda, trying to look calm as he is.

Taehyung nods, "I know this doesn't look romantic at all and it looks like I haven't planned all this, but it's because I don't want to- well, I'm scared that I'd messed up afterwards so I'm just going to ask you first then I promise to do something much better than this after."

He rambles with his hands infront of his chest gesturing in the air, and it takes me five seconds to finally say what I must say. Which is confusing. What do I have to say?

"O-okay?" Great.

He huffs, then I watch as he runs his eyes down to the table's surface before meeting my eyes again. This time it shows a mix of seriousness and... Worry?

"Naa-ya, will you, will you marry me?"

Okay, hang on a second--



Feeling my eyes starting to water, I realize that I only managed to open my mouth with no words coming from it.

"I- I've always thinking about this, I, um, I've always liked you since the beginning and I.. I think I'm starting to like you more and more and, I just want you in my life.. I.. I.."

My heart thumping fast, hands curling in a fist on my thighs as I try to sound casual but fail as I cut him talking, "Oppa.."

"Then, I'll buy you a house... We'll live with three kids and--"



My breath runs short and my vision becomes a blur when I try to say what's on the tip of my tongue.

"We- we can't... I'm sorry." And with that, my tears fall and I start to cry uncontrollably. Why? Why am I crying?

Oh you just don't realize that your chest hurts like crazy and it spreads to all of your body, that's all.


A low nervous laugh echoes in the room over a hiccups crying sound, then follows by a question, sounding hurt. "Why?"

I shake my head,

"There must be a reason to everything, Nana." He says, his voice remains calm.

"We- we're defferent, don't you know that? I can't- I can't marry you without you being a Muslim.. It's- It's the rule, we can't break it." I successfully explain, oh my, this is way too hurting.

I rub my eyes to look at him. It becomes clear that he is hurt as his eyebrows knot together, both corners of his lips turning downwards. "Does it mean.. That we can get married if I converted to a Muslim?" He asks, and I nod.

"You'll have so much to know, so much to learn.." I add.

He stands up and I follow my gaze to see him sighing so deep as if it can remove half of his burdens. "Where- where are you going?" I ask, watching him fidget with his long fingers.

"I need to cool down, I understand and I respect your answer. I should've known this rule mustn't be broken." He says, eyes not meeting mine. "Then, thanks for the sodas, I'm leaving."

"I'm sorry," I quickly say after seeing him smile weakly, "it's fine, really, it's not your fault.." He says before walking towards the door and opens it, pausing a moment before going out and closes the door behind him.

Oh, Allah.. This hurts.

Why does it hurt?

A tear falls out from my eye and that when I realize... I want him in my life, too.


Oops, i edited for some mistakes..
Thanks for reading!

Hot scenes are coming! ;)

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