22. Go Away

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Note; I'm sorry if all these dialogues in italic annoyed you, but because this chapter takes place outside of South Korea, the only normal written dialogues are spoken in English (or Korean if noted), so the italics would be Indonesian.



The warmth of the Sun carresses my skin as I glide through mama's small garden. It's been a while since I've ever step on this place and the flowers have doubled or even tripled its amounts.

"Nana!! Come inside, there's something we need to talk about!" Mama shouts from the kitchen window that faces the garden and catches me startled. She chuckles, "c'mon, Papa's waiting."

The last time I heard something like that was when they told me we're going to move house.

So this must be serious.

I quickly exit the small garden and comb my hair with my hand through my fingers. I cut it short and now it's medium length. It's been only six months...

"Nana-ya, you don't have to do this. I love your wavy hair so much.." Jiyeon tried to convince me, and I brushed her off.

"They said cutting your hair differently make you feel like a different person." My smile crawls weakly as I face the bathroom's mirror. This is it. Here we go.

"Stop doing that."

I snap to a feminine voice infront of me, she puts her hands on her hips and scowls on me.

"Do what?" I blink and look at her. She's changed too, more mature than the last time I saw her.

She rolls her eyes, "That. Spacing out like a fool."

I scoff, "I wasn't spacing out, I was thinking."

"Yeah, right."

"It's true-"

"Whatever it is. Leave it. You've come back here and left that country, whatever pain you had there, leave it too." She says, goes to grab a mug on the counter and leaves me.

I sigh, she's right. I should've forgotten every bitter memory I had there.

But I still want you..

"Ugh, seriously! Don't play that song, I told you!"

"What song?" Mama snaps from the door that connects kitchen and diner.


"C'mon, we're waiting for years for you to come." Mama scolds me and pulls me to sit in the living room, where Papa is watching the TV.

"Ah, finally. Sit, Nana, sit." He says and turns off the TV.

I sit lazily and face him. Even though my face is solemn (which I'm sure is), my head is thinking hard.

So there wasn't anyone playing that song? Then it was always me? It was always my head that keeps on playing that song over and over again? Am I crazy now?

"Nana. Look at you, so thin, what's gotten onto you? Was the study really hard there?" Papa asks, eyeing me worrily.

Before I can even answer that, mama quickly says, "But she was so healthy when I visited her!"

"So it was the exams?"

I sigh, no it isn't. "Yeah.."

Papa hums and sips his coffee, "As I expected. But the exams were months ago, shouldn't you be all healthy now?" He asks again, then paused for a second before asking again in a suspicion, "Or was there someone you left back in Korea, and you can't get over it."

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