08 : Shock.

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Dedicted to Aneclarice :D for the beautiful cover. thanks girl . Its just to beautiful. 


Sometimes there are few situation in your life when you find your nervous system break down and you fall completely numb . Like you don't understand what is going on in your surroundings or you don't know how to respond to it. That's how I was feeling now. I was in a state of complete shock. I have known since years that James's had a thing for Laura but I had never expected an engagement to come up so soon . Atleast not from Laura's side. Laura was a self focused person . Marriage was never her priorities. She always wanted to become successful and earn money. Even thou at times I did feel she liked Jame's but she had always kept things to herself. She never got her emotions in the way of her ambitions. I had no idea if I should just stay quite or run around in happiness.

James's kept his focus on the ground . He was waiting for me to speak something. He was eagerly waiting.

"James's" I pulled him in to a hug " I am fucking so happy for you "

"Ric it was only possible because of you thanks. I love you Ric. "  his eyes were filled with water as we pulled out .

" Bloody Asshole . Now chill. I need a treat. What ? how ? when ? just tell me godammit everything. "

"woho ! Ric calm down I can understand your excitement "

" come up " I said signalling him to follow me .


" your house looks different. It looks more civilized and clean "  he told as he made his way towards the couch.

"wowhoh your couch man I missed it so much . I wish I could spend my whole life on this couch"

" with Laura " I said cutting him off and with that both of us started laughing . I quickly made us a pasta and we soon were sitting on my couch and were talking shit. We spoke like there was no tomorrow. Maybe sometimes due to situations you part your ways with your loved one's but that doesn't mean they don't care anymore. Having James's with me was actually one of the best thing that has happened after school years. It was that kind off happiness that only few people can afford to give you. Our conversation was pretty much exciting until he asked me...

" so hmmm.. did you hear uhmm anything about Shane ? "

It was as if the whole world has stopped . All I could see all I could feel was numb numb. Maybe James's might have noticed my awkwardness. " I mean did you know that he and... as" before he could even finish his statement I cut him off .

" I really don't want to speak about it.How did you propose Laura ? "

And soon our conversation drifted apart. He told me how he found Laura attractive since ninth grade and how he really wanted to make her his girl. He told me how his first date went down to be a serious disaster when he was so nervous and didn't know what to speak. He told me how he proposed her . He told me how they speak about me for hours and miss me. It was so funny like they had missed me so much but never cared to call or text me . This question was actually killing me. If they really cared they should have spoken to me. It was almost half past eleven when he decided to leave he quickly told me that he is going to pick me next thursday  to pick up his engagement ring which was on which was on September third  exactly two weeks away from now .


"so you said you met James's and he is getting engaged to Laura. But I remember you telling that Laura was dating Shane's bestfriend ? " Sandra said making herself comfortable on my couch.

" I know even I don't understand that . I thought that she like James's but I wasn't sure cause she always was crazy about Tom .Do you think I should talk to Tom about it ?  " I said.

Tom Sloan was one and only friend of Shane. Unlike Shane he was calm composed and fun loving guy . He was never proud of his popularity or how girls fall for him. He was trustworthy and maybe that's why Shane trusted him so much . He was the only guy he could look upto when he was out of his mind. Even thou everything changed I and Tom were still on good talking terms. Last time we spoke a few weeks ago before my mom's arrival at the book store. He looked pale and worn out. It was very easy to tell that he was going with a lot of things. But I kept the convo brief seeing his awkwardness .

" yea I guess. See Pat when things are going well why do you really want to make it worse. May be Laura must have moved on. Maybe this time she is in love with James's. What I am telling is just let things go in flow. It's her life and she can do anything with it. Wait until you find the right things. With time you will get to know things. Don't get into conclusion now. "

She was right. Maybe I was just thinking too much and stressing myself. It was so amazing like how god takes away everything from you but still leaves down one person to stand by you. Sandra was no less than an angel in my life. At times she gets to creepy and irritating . But she had always been with me through times no matter what is going on in her life. I know she has got her family problem , her boyfriend problem , her boss problem but she had always made her point to reach my doorstep whenever I call up for her. Last night after James's left I found myself wondering how things got to this point and I found myself dialing her number and she quickly promised me that she would come in the morning. And here she sits right infront of me as she promised. Maybe it was late for me to realise but Sandra was a friend I would never want to lose. Never ever.

" let's go grab a pizza. Your treat cause after all you are working at a top company. Come on rush fast .I can find tom and jerry running around in my stomach "

and with that we left my house spending the rest of the Sunday together and happily.

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