03 : Bloody Monday.

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The roads were  clear as I set off for my first day at work . My destination is the headquarters of SILIA global enterprise. It's a huge twenty storey office building , all curved glass and steel , an architect's utilitarian fantasy with S.I.L.I.A. written discreetly in steel over the glass front doors. It was quarter to ten when I arrived, greatly relieved that I am not late as I walk into the enormous and frankly intimidating -- glass , steel and white sandstone lobby.

Behind the solid sandstone desk an attractive , blonde woman in her mid thirties smiles pleasantly at me. She's wearing charcoal suit jacket and white shirt.

" I suppose you're Miss Evans " her dimples show up as she speaks. I quickly nod . " you're here for your first day I suppose. Sign in here, Miss Evans. You'll want the last elevator on the left , press for the twentieth floor". She smiles kindly at me amused no doubt as I sign in.

Thanking her , I walk over to bank of elevators and past two security men.

The elevator whilst me at terminal velocity to the twentieth floor. The doors slide open , I'm in another lobby -- again all glass , steel and white sandstone. It feels good that I would be one among them working here from today..."working here could be a lot of fun " i thought to myself. I remember when I applied for this job it was completely based on the written exam and I am glad that I qualified and was given the job.

I was confronted by another young blonde woman , this time dressed impeccably in black and white like me.

" Miss Evans, could you wait here, please" she points to a seated area of white leather chairs .

As I was waiting there gazing at the view of the skyline that looks out through the city . It's a stunning vista and I'm paralyzed with the view, I was interrupted by an yet another flawlessly dressed blonde. " Miss Evans? " she asked.

I nodded. " Mr Roger will see you in a moment."

I guess perhaps Mr Roger insists on all his workers being blonde. Oh No I don't want to be among them .

" Mr Roger wil see you now" The blonde number two says interupting me from my thoughts.

I stand up trying to suppress my nerves. I push open the door. I take a quick chance to look at the office as he talks on his phone ,his back turn towards me .His office is way too big for just one man. There's a modern dark wood desk that six people could comfortably eat around. Everything else is white ceiling , floors and walls except for the wall by the door.

" So you are our new design--" he said as he was done with his phone call and turned around to now face me. He stops in mid sentence as he stares at me. Crap ! I look at his face. Holy mother of god." Shane Roger" I squeal rather too high. We both stand there starring at each other. His light blue eyes filled with anger which were now scanning me from tip to bottom.

Crap! Crap! what the hell . Why life has too be so unfair to me. Just when I thought I was completely fine without him and I had completely flushed the past out of my life I am now here standing inside his big office room to assign me the job as a designer in his firm. I looked at him. He was still the same - young and attractive . He has gotten a little bit tall and looks decent with a fine black suit and white shirt and grey tie , his eyes regarding me shrewdly . It takes a minute for me to find my own voice until we are interrupted by another phone call. He quickly turns back and takes the call.

What was this happening. This thing ... I am really having a very bad feeling about it. Right now I feel like jumping down this twenty storied building. His phone called ended in less than three minutes. He sat down on his bossy looking chair. I wonder what has gotten him to take up this job at a very tender age. He always told me he wanted to be successful but I highly doubt he never wanted it this soon . I could feel the atmosphere getting heavy between us. He quickly cleared his throat.

" So you are here for the designers designation in my company." he said in his husk voice.

It's been almost whole year since I had heard this voice. I could feel chills running down through my spine. I quickly cleared down my throat and replied " Yes".

" I see. and why do you think I will appoint you as the designer at this top most company"

His rudeness was enough to tell me that he was not quite pleased with my presence in his office.

" because I think I have proved my stay here by qualifying a not so required exam of yours. And probably it was your company who called me for this job" I told him not trying to be rude and gave him a faint smile.

I could notice a smirk formed on his lips as he dialed a number on his phone. Holy god. That smirk. It was him . It was Shane that day at the airport. It was him. I was interrupted from my thoughts by a knock at the door.

It was blonde number three. " Take Miss Evans and show her the cabin in the twentieth floor. "

" but sir.." before the blonde could complete her sentence he interrupted " the cabin right beside mine. Where Olivia sits " . She quickly nodded and glanced at me. I was ready to follow her until I heard a voice " You will have a great time working with me Evans. A really great time" I was quite sure of what he was speaking and without looking at his face once again I found myself running towards the blonde catching up with her. She showed me my cabin which was just next to Shane's. Both the cabines were separated with glass. I could clearly feel Shanes eyes starring at me from the other room as I got seated. I didn't care to look that side thou.

" you don't have much work to do today. " She placed a bundle of files on my table. " you can try with the first three designer files today. And this is your temporary office. you can work here until your cabin is prepared" I was glad that I was only on this side for few more days. I can handle it till then. I saw Shane talking on his phone with his back turned towards me. I tried not to care a damn and carried on with the first three files.


It was quarter to  five as I completed the work. I quickly felt the tiredness running over my body.

" Your time is up . you can leave now. your working schedules are from 10am to 5 pm."

I was quite glad to hear that. I quickly stood up with my backpack and made my way towards the elevator. But life can't be so good ? I bumped into the same elevator as Shane . Our eyes quickly met as I made my way inside. He and I were alone inside an elevator. The ride to the ground floor was pretty to awkward. I could feel his eyes starring at me continuously making it too uncomfortable for me to even breathe. I quickly ran out and made my way out of the office as we reached the ground floor. I caught a taxi and went on my way back home. This was surely a very very hectic and a shocking day .


please don't kill me for keeping so much suspense. I know I know I am not so good a written . But isn't it getting interesting ? :p oh please admit it you guys are enjoying it ;) wait for the next update . it's going to be a flashback . and maybe few of your questions might be answered.

Pri XD

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