The morning after

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Last night went by in such a blur I can't even remember it that much it mostly consisted of food and crying.

All 5 of us stayed in London in a hotel with our families.

I stayed in a room with Aiden (made the name up) a friend from home but I just wanted louis. I mean I'm glad that he came but I just wanted to cuddle with louis and cry about the announcement that we was not in the head to head. Don't get me wrong I am supper happy for matt because he won and I'm glad that he can his mum a lot of cats for Christmas but I would of love to have said that we one direction were the winners of X factor 2010.

I lay in bed replaying last nights events.

Zayn said in the interview after that we are going to stay as a band and I am so thankful that all the boys agree because I live performing with them and I wouldn't want to do anything else they are all my best friends and I get to spend everyday with my boyfriend. Louis.

Simon told us to meet him at syco records in which is his record label to talk contracts and stuff because he wants to sign us so we can be a full time band and I am so excited.

Last night when me and louis were texting he told me to meet him for breakfast down at the hotel restaurant at 10 and it's 9:45 now so I best get up.

I get dressed and leave a note on the door for Aiden telling him where I have gone and that my parents will wait for him down in the lobby considering I will be going straight to syco records after breakfast.


"I can't believe that the boys took the coming out so easily same with our families I mean woah" louis tells me.

"I know boo it's crazy" I pause, "Atleast I get to be free now and hold your hand in public with out our families and the boys questioning it"


" erm can everyone sit down please? Me and harry need to tell you something" louis yells in the dressing room where the other boys and all our families are situated.

I am so nervous my hands are shaking and my palms are sweating.

Louis wraps his arm around my waist and I can't help but feel like a baby I am younger than him but i should protect him, he is so small and feminine.

I gulp and look at my large feet that make me look at a clown, louis says that's it okay because big feet big dick right?

Flashback inside of a flashback

I pulled my pants down and pressed the button.


The picture was took so I pulled up my pants and put my shirt back on and I looked at the picture of my naked body with my length out.

Louis had to go back home to Doncaster for a family situation for 3 days and I missed him deeply so I took the picture to show him that I wanted him.

I found louis name on my phone and I pressed send.

End of flashback inside the flashback

"So me and harry are in a relationship"

I heard a few gasps and a few giggles

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks to create a deep red blush.

There was a pause.

Niall all of a sudden speaks up "zayn you owe me 50 pounds"

And everyone just cracks up into stitches.

Mine and louis parents rush over to us hug us and tells us that they love us and they don't care as long as we lobe happy.

Joannah squeezes me tightly and says that I should treat her son right and that I know I will make him happy.

Everyone took it so well and I am so happy that they don't care and I can't help but let out a tear of happiness.

Joannah and my mum go off and start talking about... Weddings!?

And louis' arm leaves my side I look up at him in shock and he just giggles and smiles at me I look into his deep blue eyes and get lost in them.

Me and my boo are free

End of flashback

"Yeah know what you mean" louis laughs, "I can't believe that Niall and zayn bet on it! Niall said that he thought that we would be in a relationship from the minute I jumped into your arms at bootcamp and it was just a matter of waiting" he informs me.

I have to laugh at that.


Me and louis finished breakfast and went off to meet the other boys.

Our fingers with ranged together and I was certain the to could never let go, his hands fit mine perfectly they are so warm and soft.

We have to leave out the back entrance because of fans and safety and stuff.

"Well well well if it isn't the love birds" Niall yelled.

Zayn just laughed and liam rolled his eyes.

Liam was getting impatient because the car was a couple minutes late to pick us up so being ' daddy direction' he had to make sure everything was running smoothly.

*10 minutes later*

The car arrived and liam was getting aggravated so he did that thing where he scrunches his hands up into a fist and growls through his teeth, it's is quite funny if you ask me.

We all scrambled into the car and headed off to syco records.


"So I understand that you and louis are in a relationship, is that right?" I looked down and blushed. Louis stepped in and answered the question. "Yes and we are very happy thank you" Simon nodded and scribbled something down on the notebook in front of him.

I'm happy he took that well because the music industry can be very judgemental and that's what I'm scared of, hiding our relationship.

We finish up signing contracts and so on we have a 5 album record deal and it will end in 2016.

"so I am going to sign you on to a management company called modest management and they will manage you through your time with me at syco". Simon informs.

Great more people the could Judge me and louis.

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