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Faith's POV

I woke up to Snuggle's squeaking again.

I tore off my blankets and instantly felt the pain in my arms from last night's epidemic.

I collapsed back into bed and groaned.

Gianna and Taylor both walked into my room.

"Hey. How ya feelin'?" She asked me.

"Pain." I responded, then let out another groan as she took off the gauze and put more on.

She helped me stand up as Taylor fed Snuggles, who was backed up into a corner of the cage, hissing at his hand.

Gianna waved her hand at Taylor, and Taylor left, probably leaving out the window in Gianna's room.

She got my clean school clothes out and helped me into them.

Gianna helped me down the stairs, helped me with my breakfast, helped me carry my things to school.

Until she left, giving me a kiss on the cheek, leaving me on campus with no one to protect me but myself.

I walked into the building and started speed walking down the hallways, pushing past the people who were staring at my bandaged arms.

Everything was going fine.

Until I got shoved into a locker by a pair of muscly arms.

It was Bullies One, Two, and Three, snickering at me.

"Oh, look it, little Faith has new cuts, doesn't she?" Bully One smirked.

I gritted my teeth.

Bully One nodded to Two and Three, and they ripped off my bandages, letting the still slightly-bleeding cuts breath.

I whimpered in pain as he traced them with his fat fingers, putting pressure on them.

I felt a couple of tears fall down my face.

Then, another body was in between me and the bullies, and I instantly recognized it as the back if Matthew's head of dirty blonde hair.

"What the fuck did I tell you about hurting her?" he screamed at them, and the chuckled.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Bully One snickered.

Matthew balled his hand into a fist, and punched him square in the face.

I slid down to the floor in fear as Bully One turned to face Matthew, rubbing the side if his face.

Then, he turned away and started walking down the halls, Bully Two and Three following him.

Matthew shook his head. "When will they ever learn."

He turned around and held out his hand.

"You okay?" he asked me, the concern evident on his face.

I grabbed it, blushing a little, and nodded my head.

He had his football jersey on, number 31, and a pair of jeans.

"Thanks for that." I said quietly, looking down at my shoes.

He put a finger underneath my chin, bringing it up to meet his gaze, and pointed up.

"Keep your head high."

With that, he walked away to his class.

I looked after him, wishing I was his.

I grabbed my bags and started walking down the almost empty hallways to Chemistry.


I opened the doors to the auditorium, and everyone was gathered around Gianna's phone.

I heard a violin playing.

It was the video of me.

I walked past them, and they all turned to look at me.

And, started clapping.

Some even had tears in their eyes.

I walked to the stage and looked out to the auditorium, expecting it to be empty.

Except, it wasn't.

I was looking out to thousands of pairs of eyes, but the pair I noticed the most was Matthew's, looking right into mine.

Gianna's dance troop took the stage behind me, going into a beginning pose I didn't know.

Mrs. Bergenfield walked out with a microphone.

"Welcome Students! This assembly is not an assembly, more of a show!"

Mrs. Bergenfield whispered in my ear, "Play your own melody, Faith."

Then, she walked off, and silence fell.

I looked out to the crowd, then at Gianna, who stood behind me in an awkward pose.

I looked at Matthew, who was smiling brightly.

I took out my violin, put the bow to the strings, and started the song from yesterday.

I heard the chords of my violin, the light footsteps of the dancers behind me, the sniffles of the audience.

I felt my heart pumping.

It felt... Amazing.

I let the last chord out, loud and long, until I could no more.

My arms were weak, I was panting heavily, my legs shaking ferociously, silence overcame the auditorium.

Then, Matthew started clapping.

Then another. And another.

Until the entire building was clapping, some crying, some smiling like idiots.

It was the greatest moment of my life.

Nothing could be better.

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